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BOOKS ON FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION - by HILARY BURRAGE ERADICATING FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION: A UK Perspective (Ashgate / Routledge, 2015) This groundbreaking handbook is required reading for health, legal, educational and social service professionals as well as researchers, policy-makers, school governors, journalists and other concerned citizens. “Hilary Burrage's book is the pre-eminent 'state of the field' book on FGM. Although the beginning and end points are located in the UK, her scope is global, and anyone, anywhere, with a practical or theoretical concern about this controversial practice will find much of value in it. It also contains very useful information at the end on further reading, multimedia resources, and organisations active in the field.” “The author, an active anti-FGM advocate and activist for several decades is an expert on this topic, and recognized and respected around the world as such…. This is the best book ever written about the sensitive subject of FGM, a very harmful practice that affects girls and women not only in third world countries (..) but also in the UK, USA, Australia and Europe.” (Amazon reviews) £25.00 paperback / £70.00 hardback (20% discount from www.routledge. com/9781472419941 – Code: FLR40 at checkout) FEMALE MUTILATION The truth behind the horrifying global practice of female genital mutilation (New Holland Publishers, 2016) More than seventy compelling narratives across five continents from FGM survivors, their family and other community members, campaigners and concerned professionals, as they seek to make FGM forever history. “Every page in this book rings the bell of the rebellion against female genital mutilation.” (Dr Morissanda Kouyaté, Director, Inter- African Committee on Traditional Practices) £14.99 (£11.99, Guardian bookshop - catalog/product/view/id/296770/) Available from respective publishers in the UK and US / Australia, from high-street bookshops, and from Amazon (including e-versions). @HilaryBurrage [email protected]