Editor’s Welcome
Hello and welcome to our special Black
History Month issue MO26. We share the
inspirational stories of two unsung heroes
recently recognised during the Black History
Month 2017(P4 & 5). Mojatu Foundation
is partnering with the NHS Blood and
Transplant Donation to raise awareness and
encourage more black people to donate
blood this black history Month. See details
of the upcoming event on 28 th October(P6). Do not miss out on
other upcoming Black History Month events include the screening
of ‘I am Not Your Negro’ by Communities Inc (P6- 13).
A lot of exciting summer community outreach, engagement,
celebrations and health promotion events and activities
organised in the community brought many diverse people
together this year mainly focussing on celebrating diversity
and enabling community integration (p14-20). The annual
African Farm Festival (formally known as Kenya Day in the
Farm) by Mojatu Foundation was bigger and better this year
bringing over 700 people together(p15-17). Check out also
photos from the exciting Hyson Green Cultural Festival which
drew artists from as far as Denmark (P19) and the inaugural
African Corner at the Nottingham Carnival(P20).
In this issue we cover an interview with Cameron Thibos and
Vanessa Kisuule on countering xenophobia through story-
telling(P21). In our Health and Food section we share 22 Simple
Ways to Get Healthier With Minimum Effort(P24-25).
Do not forget to check out training and job opportunities
available in the city(P27-30). Nottinghamshire Police opened
their recruitment in September 2017. See more information
on how you can get involved and contact them(p28-29). Have
you ever considered becoming a firefighter, a chance to save
people’s lives? Nottinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service will be
hosting a series awareness days in Nottingham(P32).
We wish to thank all our esteemed readers, advertisers and
supporters for your engagement and support over the years!
Serving our communities, sharing inspirational stories and
important information is one of the things we pride ourselves in!
Valentine Nkoyo - Managing Editor: Mojatu magazines
Email: [email protected]
Group Editor: Frank Kamau – [email protected]
Editor: Rowan Windsor - [email protected]
Graphic Design: Robert Borbely
Contributors: Rowan Windsor | Edwin Ubah |
Cameron Thibos | Vanessa Kisuule | Lynne Moulder
| Shamsher Chohan | Angela Wathoni | Laura
McCartan | Ryan Raman | Donna Jordan
IT / Social Media: Robert Borbely
Photos: Noah Maasarani & Matt Voigts
Accounts: John Gordon - [email protected]
Admin: Penny Cooper - [email protected]
Sales & Marketing / Community Engagement:
Abdoulie Jah - [email protected]
Kevin Price - [email protected]
Black History Month
Panya Banjoko: Writer & Storyteller......................... 4-5
Sophia Ramcharan: Award Winning Filmaker ......... 5
National Hate Crime Awareness Week........................ 7
Upcoming Black History Month events...............8-13
Gambian Community Football (Photos)..................14
African Farm Festival 2017..................................... 15-17
Igbo New Yam 2017.........................................................18
Hyson Green Cultural Festival 2017...........................19
Carnival 2017 - African Corner ....................................20
Say no to xenophobia.....................................................21
National Empty Homes Week............................... 22-24
Health & Food
22 Simple ways to get healthier .......................... 24-25
The power of self-motivation.......................................26
Mojatu Training programs ...........................................27
Police officer recruitment opens.......................... 28-29
Radio Training....................................................................30
African Farn Festival 2017
By Noah Maasarani & Matt Voigts
Mojatu Foundation Disclaimer
The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily
those of the publishers. Every effort has been made to ensure
that the contents of this magazine are accurate but the pub-
lisher cannot take responsibility for errors, omissions, nor can
we accept responsibility for the advertisements or editorial
Edwin Ubah - [email protected]
News & Comments: [email protected]
Non Executive Directors / Trustees:
Marketing: Dr. Tabani Ndlovu - [email protected]
Getting the magazine
Online @ www.mojatu.com/magazines
Subscription @ £24 per year including postage
Address: Mojatu Foundation
167 Alfreton Road, Nottingham, NG7 3JR
T: 0115 8457 009 | 0751 6962 992 | 0779 4372 214
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mojatu
Twitter: www.twitter.com/mojatumedia
Printers: Mojatu Publications