Bookself Mojatu Nottingham Magazine Issue M026 | Page 27

terviews in 2016/ 2017 s views for Nottingham interviews in 2016/ 2017 Insite Radio Alfreton Road, NG7 3JR Alongside your learning, you will interviews also 2nd Dates for 2017 27 connected Business & 2017 Finance in 2016/ 2017 2nd 167 Alfreton Road | 2016/ Nottingham | NG7 3JR terviews in 2016/ 2017 2nd 167 Alfreton Road | Nottingham | NG7 3JR for interviews in 2016/ 2017 Insite Radio 151 Alfreton Road, NG7 3JR Alongside your learning, you will also receive MONTH DATES (FRIDAY) enues 167 Alfreton Road | Nottingham | NG7 3JR views 2016/ 2017 Multiple venues Road | in Nottingham | NG7 3JR Dates for interviews in 2016/ 2017 167 Alfreton Road | Road Nottingham | NG7 3JR Alfreton Road | | Nottingham | NG7 3JR 167 Alfreton Nottingham | NG7 3JR Dates for interviews in 2016/ 2017 • Work placement d | Nottingham NG7 3JR Alfreton Road | will Nottingham | | NG7 3JR Days: Interviews run from 9:30 am—1:30pm Road | from Nottingham | 3JR NG7 Union 3JR Interviews will run from 9:30 am—1:30pm lfreton Road | | from Nottingham | 167 NG7 3JR views in 2017 • ASYLUM Work placement • 2016/ Free National of MEDIA Students (NUS) card Interviews will run will from 9:30 am—1:30pm | Nottingham NG7 ill run 9:30 am—1:30pm Email: [email protected] 13th EFUGEES & SEEKERS COMMUNITY TRAINING am pm rviews will run 9:30 am—1:30pm Days: REFUGEES & ASYLUM SEEKERS COMMUNITY MEDIA TRAINING Interviews run from 9:30 am—1:30pm Interviews will run am—1:30pm un from 9:30 am—1:30pm Fri: | from 10 ovember 25th 1 (Flexible) Alfreton Road | Nottingham NG7 to 9:30 3JR 13th Dates interviews in 167 2016/ 2017 • • for Free National Union of in Students (NUS) card Interviews will run from 9:30 am—1:30pm Unlimited tutor support for interviews 2016/ 2017 13th 167 Alfreton | Nottingham | NG7 3JR ll from run from 9:30 am—1:30pm [email protected] EFUGEES & Dates ASYLUM SEEKERS COMMUNITY MEDIA TRAINING will run from 9:30 am—1:30pm REFUGEES & interviews ASYLUM SEEKERS MEDIA TRAINING 9:30 d n views | Dates Nottingham | Email: NG7 3JR Fri: 10 am to Road 1 pm (Flexible) NING in COMMUNITY 2016/ 2017 R TRAINING • for Unlimited tutor support • am—1:30pm Industry recognised qualifications Dates for interviews in 2016/ 2017 Tel: 0115 8457 00 Tel: 0115 8457 00 Tel: 0115 8457 00 Interviews will run from 9:30 am—1:30pm 32 167 Alfreton Road | Nottingham | NG7 3JR 167 Alfreton Road | Nottingham | NG7 3JR • Industry recognised qualifications • Flexible study plan Tel: 0115 8457 00 n from 9:30 am—1:30pm Tel: 0115 8457 00 Mob: 0745 5005 459 Tel: 0115 8457 00 Mob: 0745 5005 | 459 10th Interviews will run from 9:30 am—1:30pm MONTH (FRIDAY) 167 Alfreton Road | Road Nottingham NG7 2nd MONTH DATES DATES (FRIDAY) 167 Alfreton | 9:30 Nottingham | 3JR NG7 3JR MONTH DATES (FRIDAY) H MONTH DATES (FRIDAY) • Interviews Flexible study plan ecember DATES (FRIDAY) DATES (FRIDAY) Call/ Text: 0745 5005 459 Mob: 0745 5005 459 10th [email protected] Mob: 0745 5005 459 Interviews will run from am—1:30pm [email protected] 10th will run from 9:30 am—1:30pm MONTH DATES (FRIDAY) MONTH DATES (FRIDAY) MONTH DATES (FRIDAY) H MONTH (FRIDAY) * DATES ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES (ESOL), * DATES ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES (ESOL), (FRIDAY) DATES (FRIDAY) Call/ Text: 0745 5005 459 * ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES (ESOL), [email protected] Interviews will run from 9:30 am—1:30pm [email protected] riting Interviews will run from 9:30 am—1:30pm Writing PARTNERS FUNDED BY (ESOL), 25th November 25th * * ENGLISH FOR ENGLISH SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES November * ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES (ESOL), 25th * 25th FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES (ESOL), 25th 25th November MONTH DATES (FRIDAY) COURSE CONVERSATIONAL COURSE CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH 10th (FRIDAY) COURSE * ENGLISH CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH G mber * DATES PARTNERS FUNDED BY DRIVING THEORY TRAINING 25th 25th November 25th November 25th 25th mber 25th November nuary 13th COURSE * * CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH Accredited CMP Diploma in Freelance Journalism COURSE * CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES (ESOL), Accredited CMP Diploma in Freelance Journalism 10th ESOL & CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH COURSE * CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH DRIVING THEORY TRAINING 10th MONTH DATES (FRIDAY) MONTH DATES (FRIDAY) 2nd n@ 2nd 25th Accredited CMP Diploma in Freelance Journalism MONTH DATES (FRIDAY) in 2 November 25th mber * Accredited 2nd December 2nd CMP Diploma in Freelance Journalism December 2nd 2nd Dates COURSE CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH December MONTH DATES (FRIDAY) WHEN: From Dec 2016 AT: Multiple venues MONTH DATES (FRIDAY) 2nd for interviews This 6-month course enables you to learn Venue: 2nd This 6-month course enables you to AT: learn WHEN: From Dec 2016 Multiple venues 2nd mber 2nd December WHEN: From Dec 2016 AT: Multiple venues 2nd 2nd December November 25th December November 25th WHEN: From Dec 2016 AT: Multiple venues Venue: crucial media and employability skills This 6-month course enables you to learn crucial media and employability skills Venue: Dates for interviews in 2016/ 2017 13th This 6-month course enables you to learn WHEN: From Dec 2016 AT: Multiple venues WHEN: From Dec 2016 AT: Multiple venues PATRA Inc ACDA | 10th T: 0115 942 2440 2nd ebruary 13th 25th ary 13th November December 2nd including modules in; January 13th media and employability skills November 25th including modules in; 167 Alfreton Road | Nottingha crucial media and employability skills G7 November 3JR crucial 13th Mojatu Foundation | 25th 0115 8457 009 January WHEN: From Dec 2016 AT: Multiple venues PATRA Inc ACDA | T: 167 T: 0115 942 2440 CERTIFICATES AWARDED AFTER TRAINING January 13th ary 13th Marcus Garvey Centre, Lenton Blvd, NG7 2BY | TRAINING including modules in; January 13th 13th Alfreton Road Nottingham | 13th NG7 3JR 13th including modules in; AWARDED CERTIFICATES AWARDED AFTER TRAINING December 2nd December 2nd CERTIFICATES AFTER January 10th CERTIFICATES AWARDED AFTER TRAINING January 13th 167 Alfreton Road, NG7 3JR • Gathering Information and News Stories 13th Interviews will run from 9:30 a Marcus Garvey Centre, Lenton Blvd, NG7 2BY • Gathering Information and News Stories Areas to be Covered 10th CERTIFICATES AWARDED AFTER TRAINING December 2nd uary • • Gathering 10th December 2nd CERTIFICATES AFTER Interviews will run TRAINING from 10th 9:30 am—1:30pm January 13th February Areas to be AWARDED Covered English language for journalism Information and News Stories English language Areas to be Covered • • 10th Gathering Information and News Stories arch 10th Areas to for be journalism Covered 10th CERTIFICATES AWARDED AFTER TRAINING February 10th 10th ary 10th Days: December 2nd February Listening Speaking Reading Writing February 10th Recording information January 13th Areas to be Covered • • English language for journalism • English Recording information January 13th 10th • language for journalism Areas to be Covered 7 Alfreton Road | Nottingham | NG7 3JR 10th [email protected] Speaking Reading Writing Writing 10th 10th February pm pm February Days: ail: Listening Reading Listening Speaking Reading Writing • [email protected] Media law and ethics Areas to Fri: be 13th Covered • 00 Recording information 10th Media law and ethics • • Listening Recording information Wed & 1 Speaking to 13th 3 pm -Men & Days: Wome 57 January h January 10th 10th rg February 10th pm March Speaking Writing Writing pm Photojournalism Listening Speaking Reading Registration and more information@ • • Media law and ethics Photojournalism Advanced – Reading Mon: 1 Writing to Only 3 pm 10th • • Listening Media law and ethics pm to 3 pm Wed & Fri: 1 -Men & Wome MONTH DATE h nterviews 10th MONTH DATES (FRIDAY) February 10th Listening Speaking Reading to 3 -Women Thu: 1 REFUGEES & ASYLUM SEEKERS COMMUNITY MEDIA TRAINING March 10th 10th February 10th will run from 9:30 am—1:30pm March 10th March Image Editing 10th • • Dates Photojournalism • Photojournalism Image Editing Registration and more information@ pm pm Registration and Beginners more information@ • Registration and more information@ pm pm MOJATU OFFICE 115 8457 00 for interviews in 2016/ 2017 January 13th (ESOL), 167 3 Tue: 1 to Only Tel: 0115 8457 00 Thu: * ENGLISH 10th FOR SPEAKERS OTHER LANGUAGES 5005 459 February 10th to 10th 3 – information@ -Women 1 and March February Video storytelling March 10th OF • • Image Editing Video storytelling • • Image Editing Registration more Registration and more information@ MOJATU OFFICE March 10th s: MOJATU OFFICE November 25th am noon 167 Alfreton Rd, Nottingham NG7 3JR November MOJATU OFFICE Registration and more information@ Tel: 0115 8457 Broadcast Journalism (Radio/ TV) • • Video storytelling Intermediary – 00 Wed: Broadcast Journalism (Radio/ TV) 10 to 12 * CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH COURSE • • Alfreton Video storytelling March 10th March 10th 32 MOJATU 167 Road | the Nottingham NG7 3JR 167 Alfreton Rd, Nottingham NG7 3JR Support / OFFICE Arabic Translator MOJATU OFFICE Tel: 0115 8457 00 Phone: 0115 845 7009 167 Alfreton Rd, Nottingham NG7 3JR • MEDIA Voice over and mobile storytelling • Text: Broadcast Journalism (Radio/ TV) Voice over and mobile storytelling 167 Alfreton Rd, | Project Nottingham NG7 3JR : [email protected] 0745 459 MOJATU OFFICE • • 5005 Broadcast Journalism (Radio/ TV) Mob: 0745 5005 459 TRAINING ll/ 0745 5005 459 March 10th Contact Training Lead Inte March 10th Support / Arabic Translator [email protected] Phone: 0115 845 7009 167 Alfreton Rd, Nottingham NG7 3JR • Voice over and mobile storytelling December 2nd February 10th • Voice over and mobile storytelling atuF email: [email protected] Noah Maasarani – 07833895676 167 Alfreton Rd, Nottingham NG7 3JR : [email protected] Phone: 0115 845 Email: [email protected] 167 Alfreton Rd, Nottingham NG7 7009 3JR Phone: 0115 845 7009 December Email: [email protected] [email protected] 0115 8457 00 your Interviews will run from 9:30 am—1:30pm Alongside learning, you will also receive Mob: 0745 5005 459 Alongside your learning, you will also receive Eleftheria Ktenas WHEN: From Dec 2016 AT: Multiple venues Email: [email protected] email: [email protected] Noah Maasarani – 07833895676 [email protected] MONTH DATES (FRIDAY) Phone: 0115 845 7009 Email: [email protected] Phone: 0115 845 7009 [email protected] Phone: 0115 845 7009 115 8457 00 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] Alongside your learning, you Dates will also receive Self-taught (Online courses). Support and Alongside your learning, you will also receive Tel: 0115 8457 00 for interviews in 2016/ 2017 Email: [email protected] Tel: 0115 8457 00 t: 0745 5005 459 January 13th Email: [email protected] email: [email protected] T: 0115 845 7009 | 00 M: 0792 913 Email: 2553 [email protected] • 8457 Work placement email: [email protected] email: [email protected] • 00 Work placement [email protected] Tel: 0115 8457 00 Tel: 0115 8457 el: 0115 8457 00 January views in 2016/ 2017 Tel: 0115 8457 00 assessment – Upon agreement with tutor : 115 0745 5005 459 March 10th Email: [email protected] Follow us / Connect with us: Email: [email protected] • Free National Union of Students (NUS) card Email: [email protected] • Accredited Work placement CERTIFICATES AWARDED AFTER TRAINING Free National Union of Students (NUS) card | Nottingham Text: 0745 5005 459 • • Email: Work placement [email protected] Tel: 0115 8457 00 Call/ Text: 0745 5005 459 ovember 25th Email: [email protected] 167 Alfreton Road | NG7 3JR CMP Diploma in Freelance Journalism E: [email protected] ESOL & CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH Unlimited tutor support Follow / Connect with Call/ us: 0115 8457 00 • • 0745 Free Union of us Students (NUS) card February 10th • National Unlimited tutor support MONTH DATES (FRIDAY) • Email: Free National Union of Students (NUS) card Tel: Tel: 0115 8457 00 5005 459 Text: 0745 5005 459 Text: 5005 459 [email protected] d t: | 0745 Nottingham | NG7 3JR Call/ Text: 0745 5005 459 Email: [email protected] Areas to be Covered Follow us / Connect with us: @mojatuF Follow us / Text: Connect with us: Industry recognised qualifications Call/ Text: 0745 5005 459 Tel: 0115 8457 00 • • Radio Unlimited tutor support • Unlimited Industry recognised qualifications Tel: 0115 8457 00 • This tutor support Tel: 0115 8457 00 February W: Tel: 0115 8457 00 and TV presentation training Tel: 0115 8457 00 Interviews will run from 9:30 am—1:30pm Call/ 0745 5005 459 6-month course enables you to learn Follow us / Connect with us: Follow us / Connect with us: • Flexible study plan @mojatuF Follow us / Connect with us: • Industry recognised qualifications Tel: 0115 8457 00 Lead Flexible study plan qualifications n from MOJATU 9:30 • • am—1:30pm Industry recognised Listening Speaking Reading Writing Call/ Text: 0745 5005 459 Tel: FOUNDATION 0115 8457 00 00 IS OFFERING Call/ Text: 0745 5005 459 Tel: 0115 8457 the Training Project November 25th March 10th Contact Venue: crucial media and employability skills Dates for intervie @mojatuF • Flexible study plan Call/ Text: 5005 459 ecember 2nd Text: 0745 5005 459 @mojatuF @mojatuF Tel: 0115 8457 00 • Call/ Flexible study plan Call/ Text: 0745 5005 459 Call/ 0745 Text: 0745 5005 459 Call/ Text: 0745 Contact 5005 459 the Training Project Lead Mob: 0745 5005 459 including modules in; iews in 2016/ 2017 Eleftheria Ktenas Nove Venue: March @mojatuF @mojatuF interviews in 2016/ 2017 Call/ Text: 0745 5005 459 Mojatu Foundation | T: 0115 8457 009 Call/ Text: 0745 5005 459 Registration and more information@ PARTNERS FUNDED BY @ n 2016/ 2017 PARTNERS FUNDED BY Register online for all courses Mob: 0745 5005 459 Eleftheria Ktenas 167 Alfreton Road | N T: 0115 845 7009 | M: 0792 913 2553 December 2nd Insite Radio 151 Alfreton Road, NG7 3JR [email protected] MONTH DATES (FRIDAY) MOJATU OFFICE FUNDED BY MEDIA TRAINING DATES (FRIDAY) Alfreton PARTNERS FUNDED BY G n | Road • | PARTNERS Gathering Information News Stories Nottingham | NG7 3JR T: 0115 845 7009 | 167 M: 0792 913 Road, 2553 NG7 3JR Nottingham | NG7 and 3JR ates for interviews in 2016/ 2017 MOJATU FOUNDATION TRAINING PROGRAMS English Language Courses English Language Courses English Language Courses English Language Courses English Language Courses English Language Courses English Language Courses FREE FREE FREE FREE Theory Driving Test Training Date N TRAINING PROGRAMS English Language Courses & Latest Hazard Perception MOJATU FOUNDATION Theory Driving Driving Test Test Training Training Theory & Latest Latest Hazard Hazard Perception Perception & English Language Courses rses Courses [email protected] nuary 13th (ESOL), E: [email protected] will run fr * ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS for OF OTHER LANGUAGES 167 Alfreton Rd, Nottingham NG7 Interviews 3JR ngham | • NG7 3JR language Email: [email protected] English journalism [email protected] 25th Dece November 25th W: E: Email: [email protected] Days: Phone: 0115 845 7009 • from Recording information January 13th n 30 from 9:30 am—1:30pm www.mojatufoundatio COURSE * CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH will run 9:30 am—1:30pm Self-taught (Online courses). Support and Days: am—1:30pm W: am pm and ethics • 10 Media law email: [email protected] Fri: to 1 (Flexible) Tel: 0115 8457 00 Tel: 0115 8457 00 pm assessment – Upon agreement with tutor 2nd ebruary 10th Email: megan@mojatu Mon: 1 TRAINING to 3 pm • Photojournalism December 2nd MONTH Register online for all Advanced courses @ – REFUGEES & ASYLUM SEEKERS COMMUNITY MEDIA February 10th Call/ Dec 2016 AT: Multiple venues Text: 0745 • WHEN: Image From Editing pm pm 5005 459 Dates for interviews in 2016/ 2017 3 Janu Beginners – Tel: Tue: 0115 1 to 8457 Register online for all courses @ Call/ 0745 5005 459 00 • Video storytelling Radio and Text: TV presentation training 13th (FRIDAY) ATES DATES (FRIDAY) am noon Follow us 0115 / Connect with us: November TH DATES (FRIDAY) Tel: 8457 00 January 13th to 12 Intermediary – Wed: 10 • Broadcast Journalism (Radio/ TV) MOJATU FOUNDATION IS OFFERING arch 10th March 10th CERTIFICATES AWARDED AFTER TRAINING 167 Alfreton Road | Nottingham | NG7 3JR (ESOL), • (ESOL), Call/ GUAGES over and mobile storytelling Mob: 0745 5005 459 Text: 0745 5005 @mojatuF 10th Dates for interviews in 2016/ 2017 25th Voice 25th Venue: Dates for in interviews in 2016/ 2017 25th Areas Dates to be Covered December Febr for interviews 2016/ 2017 February 10th [email protected] Interviews will run from 9:30 erviews in 2016/ 2017 for interviews in 2016/ Insite Radio 151 Alfreton Road, NG7 am—1:30pm 3JR Alongside your learning, 2017 you will also receive JOURNALISM & MEDIA TRAINING Listening Speaking Reading Writing iews in 2016/ 2017 10th 167 Alfreton Road | Nottingham | NG7 3JR 167 Alfreton Road | Nottingham | NG7 3JR 2nd 167 Alfreton Road | Nottingham | NG7 3JR January 2nd 2nd oad | Nottingham | NG7 3JR freton Road | Nottingham | NG7 3JR March 10th nues • Work placement ultiple venues | Nottingham | NG7 Registration 3JR and more information@ Days: Interviews from 9:30 am—1:30pm Marc Interviews will run from 9:30 am—1:30pm • run Free National Union of OFFICE Students (NUS) card run Interviews will run will from 9:30 am—1:30pm l from run from 9:30 am—1:30pm Accredited CMP Diploma in DATES Freelance Journalism Email: [email protected] FUGEES & ASYLUM SEEKERS COMMUNITY MEDIA TRAINING views will from 9:30 am—1:30pm REFUGEES & TRAINING ASYLUM SEEKERS COMMUNITY MEDIA TRAINING MOJATU MEDIA 9:30 am—1:30pm 13th Fri: 10 am to MONTH 1 pm (Flexible) February (FRIDAY) rses Courses Theory Driving Test Training & Latest Hazard Perception English Language Courses English Language Courses English Language Courses FREE FREE Dates Dates interviews in 2016/ 2017 2017 • for Unlimited tutor support for interviews in 2016/ 13th 13th 167 Alfreton Rd, Nottingham 3JR Email: ING • Industry recognised qualifications TRAINING Tel: [email protected] 0115 8457 00 Tel: 0115 8457 00 NG7 Tel: 0115 8457 00 This 6-month course enables you to learn [email protected] 167 10th Alfreton Road | Nottingham | NG7 3JR Phone: 0115 845 7009 167 Alfreton Road | Nottingham NG7 • Flexible study plan 459 Self-taught (Online courses). and 3JR November 25th Mob: 0745 March Mob: 5005 0745 5005 Support 459 | MONTH crucial media and employability skills (FRIDAY) MONTH DATES DATES (FRIDAY) MONTH DATES (FRIDAY) 10th email: [email protected] DATES (FRIDAY) DATES (FRIDAY) 10th MONTH DATES (FRIDAY) Call/ Text: 0745 5005 459 Tel: 0115 8457 00 115 Interviews 8457 00 [email protected] will run from 9:30 am—1:30pm assessment – Upon agreement with tutor [email protected] Interviews will run from 9:30 am—1:30pm including modules in; Email: [email protected] iting * Writing * ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES (ESOL), (ESOL), ENGLISH FOR * SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES (ESOL), ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES PARTNERS FUNDED BY 10th 25th 25th ENGLISH t: 0745 5005 459 November 25th 25th 25th November mber 25th 2nd November COURSE * Radio CONVERSATIONAL COURSE * CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH Call/ Text: 0745 5005 459 Tel: 0115 8457 00 December COURSE * CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH 10th • Gathering Information and News Stories DRIVING THEORY TRAINING 10th and TV presentation training www.mojatu @ Follow us / Connect with us: Accredited CMP Diploma in Freelance Journalism Accredited CMP Diploma in Freelance Journalism MOJATU FOUNDATION IS OFFERING • English language for journalism DATES (FRIDAY) MONTH DATES (FRIDAY) 2nd 2nd Call/ Text: 0745 5005 2nd 459 mber MONTH 2nd December December 2nd Email: megan • Recording information December 2nd January 13th WHEN: From Dec 2016 AT: Multiple venues @mojatuF iews in 2016/ 2017 This 6-month course enables you to Dec learn Venue: Venue: This 6-month course enables you to AT: learn Multiple WHEN: From Dec 2016 venues venues interviews in 2016/ 2017 WHEN: From 2016 AT: Multiple G7 3JR 25th • Media law and ethics November 25th n November 2016/ 2017 crucial media media and employability skills crucial and employability skills 13th Tel: 0115 PATRA Inc ACDA | T: 0115 942 2440 Insite Radio 151 Alfreton Road, NG7 3JR 13th ry 13th including modules in; January 13th • Photojournalism including modules in; | Road Nottingham | NG7 3JR n | NG7 Nottingham | Centre, NG7 3JR January 13th Editing AWARDED AFTER TRAINING January 13th February 10th Marcus Garvey Lenton Blvd, NG7 2BY TRAINING ngham | CERTIFICATES 3JR • Image CERTIFICATES AWARDED AFTER TRAINING December 2nd .org Call/ Text: 0 December 2nd CERTIFICATES AWARDED AFTER 10th • [email protected] Gathering Information and Stories • from Gathering News Stories Areas to News be and Covered [email protected] Days: ail: 10th Information n g ary 9:30 am—1:30pm 10th will run 9:30 am—1:30pm 7 from 00 February 10th • Video storytelling Areas to Areas be Covered • am—1:30pm English language for journalism 30 • am English language for journalism to be Covered pm February 10th 10th • Broadcast Journalism (Radio/ 10th TV) Days: February Fri: 10 to information 1 Speaking (Flexible) Listening Reading Writing • 8457 Recording January March • 10th Recording information 13th January 13th 115 00 Tel: 0115 8457 00 5005 459 Speaking Writing Writing pm pm • Voice over and mobile storytelling Listening • Media law and ethics 10th • Listening Media law and ethics Wed & March Fri: 1 Speaking to 3 Reading -Men Reading & Wome 10th 10th • Photojournalism Registration and more 8457 information@ • Photojournalism pm Dates for interviews in 2 Tel: 0115 00 February 10th to 10th 3 pm -Women Only interviews Thu: OFFICE 1 and 5005 459 March February / 0745 Text: 5005 459 March Contact the Training Project Lead • Image Editing Dates for in 10th 2016/ 2017 • 0745 Image Editing MOJATU Registration more information@ DATES (FRIDAY) Dates for interviews in 10th 2016/ ATES (FRIDAY) Alongside your learning, 2017 you will also receive Registration and more information@ TH DATES (FRIDAY) uF • Video Dates for interviews in 2016/ 2017 storytelling 167 Alfreton | R N • Video storytelling Mob: 0745 5005 459 167 Eleftheria Ktenas (ESOL), MOJATU OFFICE 167 Alfreton Rd, Nottingham NG7 3JR OFFICE GUAGES (ESOL), Road Alfreton | Road Nottingh • Broadcast Journalism (Radio/ TV) MOJATU • Broadcast Journalism (Radio/ TV) Alfreton Road | Nottingham | 3JR NG7 3JR March 10th March 167 Alfreton Road | | Nottingham | 167 NG7 Alfreton 3JR • Work placement Support / 10th Arabic Translator T: 25th 0115 845 7009 | storytelling M: 0792 913 2553 [email protected] 25th Phone: 0115 845 7009 167 Alfreton Rd, Nottingham NG7 3JR • 25th Voice and mobile storytelling 167 167 Alfreton Road Nottingham NG7 [email protected] • over Voice over and mobile 167 Alfreton Rd, Nottingham NG7 | 3JR Interviews fr Interviews wi • run Free National Union of MEDIA Students (NUS) card run Interviews will run will from 9:30 E: [email protected] email: [email protected] Noah Maasarani – 7009 07833895676 Interviews will run REFUGEES from 9:30 am—1:30pm [email protected] Email: [email protected] Phone: 0115 845 REFUGEES & ASYLUM SEEKERS COMMUNITY TRAINING Email: Interviews will from 9:30 am—1:30pm & interviews ASYLUM SEEKERS COMMUNITY MEDIA TRAINING Phone: 0115 845 7009 15 8457 [email protected] 00 your will run from 9:30 am—1:30pm Alongside learning, you will also receive Dates for in 2016/ 2017 Alongside your learning, you will also Interviews receive Email: [email protected] • Unlimited tutor support Dates for interviews in 2016/ 2017 2nd W: 2nd email: [email protected] 2nd [email protected] l: 0745 0115 8457 00 • Industry recognised qualifications Tel: 0115 8457 email: 00 nues 5005 459 Tel: 0115 8457 00 ultiple venues Tel: 0115 8457 00 3JR Tel: 0115 8457 00 Email: [email protected] [email protected] • Work • placement Work placement Tel: 0115 Email: 8457 00 167 Alfreton Road | Road Nottingham | NG7 167 Alfreton | Nottingham NG7 3JR • Flexible study plan Follow us / Connect with us: Mob: 0745 5005 459 • Free National Union of Students (NUS) card Mob: 0745 5005 459 | MONTH • Free National Union of Students (NUS) card Text: 0745 5005 459 Email: [email protected] 13th Call/ Text: 0745 5005 459 Email: [email protected] Register online for all courses @ MONTH DAT MONTH MONTH DATES (FRIDAY) 13th MONTH DATES (FRIDAY) • Unlimited tutor support MONTH DATES (FRIDAY) Call/ Text: 0745 5005 459 Tel: 0115 8457 00 13th • Unlimited tutor support Tel: 0115 8457 00 [email protected] Interviews will run from 9:30 am—1:30pm Call/ Text: 0745 5005 459 [email protected] will run from 9:30 am—1:30pm NG Follow / Connect us: with us: TRAINING @mojatuF us / with Connect • Industry recognised qualifications * Interviews ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES (ES • Industry recognised qualifications * ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES (ESOL), Tel: 0115 8457 00 us Follow * ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGU Tel: 0115 8457 00 To join the course contact: PARTNERS FUNDED BY • 10th Flexible study plan Tel: 0115 8457 00 • Flexible study plan November 25th November 25th November Call/ Text: 5005 459 November November 25th Call/ 0745 Text: 0745 5005 459 November Contact the Training Project Lead COURSE * CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH COURSE * CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH COURSE * CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH Call/ 10th Text: 0745 5005 5005 459 459 @mojatuF @mojatuF 10th Call/ Text: 0745 DRIVING THEORY TRAINING Eleftheria Ktenas Mob: 0745 5005 459 iting Writing Accredited CMP Diploma in DATES Freelance Journalism Accredited CMP Eleftheria Diploma in Ktenas Freelance Journalism (FRIDAY) PARTNERS FUNDED BY MONTH PARTNERS FUNDED BY December MONTH December 2nd 10th [email protected] December 2nd 2nd T: 0115 845 7009 | December M: DATES 0792 913 (FRIDAY) 2553 [email protected] December December WHEN: From Dec 2016 AT: Multiple venues 10th 10th This 6-month course enables you to learn Venue: This 6-month course enables you to learn WHEN: From Dec 2016 AT: Multiple venue WHEN: From Dec 2016 AT: Multi @ 01158457009 E: [email protected] November 25th November 25th crucial media and employability skills crucial media and employability skills January 13th PATRA Inc ACDA | T: 0115 942 2440 January January W: 13th 13th including modules in; January including modules in; Dates Dates for intervie for int Theory Driving Test Training & Latest Hazard Perception English Language Course English Language C