Bookself Mojatu Nottingham Magazine Issue M026 | Page 24

mojatu .com 24 Health & Food 22 SIMPLE WAYS TO GET HEALTHIER WITH MINIMAL EFFORT Modern society makes getting healthy harder than ever. People are busy trying to balance work, family and other responsibilities. As a result, their health goals are often put on hold. However, being healthy does not have to be difficult. Here are 22 simple ways to get healthier with minimal effort. - By Ryan Raman 1. Fill Half of Your Plate With Non-Starchy Vegetables 6. Consider Certain Supplements Vegetables can be loosely classified as starchy and non- starchy vegetables. Non-starchy vegetables include spinach, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower. Whole foods are typically the preferred way to meet your nutritional needs. They contain a variety of nutrients that have synergy together, helping deliver most of their nutritional benefits. Bottom Line: Filling half of your plate with non-starchy vegetables is a simple way to eat healthier. Vegetables are low in calories and high in fiber and nutrients. 2. Eat From a Smaller Plate and Bowl Believe it or not, the size of your plate can affect how much you eat. The simple illusion of eating from a smaller plate could help you feel satisfied with less food. Bottom Line: Eating from a smaller plate is a simple way to trick your brain into eating less. This can be useful if you feel the portions you eat are too big. 3. Swap Refined Carbs for Whole, Unprocessed Carbs Refined carbs are rigorously processed and stripped of nearly all their nutrients and fiber. Examples of refined carbs include white flour, white bread and white rice. Bottom Line: Refined carbs are sources of “empty” calories and provide no nutritional benefit. Swapping them for whole, unprocessed carbs can increase your nutrient and fiber intake. 4. Add Some Fruit to Your Morning Oats Fruit is a great way to add some colour and flavour to your morning oats. In addition, fruit is a great source of polyphenols — compounds that give fruits and vegetables their bright colour. Bottom Line: Although fruit can be high in sugar, it is also packed with plenty of vitamins, minerals and compounds, such as polyphenols. Polyphenols may have great health benefits. Bottom Line: Although whole foods are preferable, supplements can be helpful if you struggle to eat enough nutrients from diet alone. Two great supplements are fish oil and soluble fiber, such as glucomannan. 7. Drink Green Tea Studies have shown that people who drink the most green tea tend to live longer, have a lower risk of heart disease and a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. Bottom Line: Green tea is one of the healthiest beverages you can drink. It is low in calories, yet rich in nutrients and antioxidants. It also has impressive health benefits. 8. Have Your Coffee Black It is no secret that Americans love their coffee. In fact, one study found that over 160 million Americans drink coffee regularly. However, roughly two-thirds of people add sugar, milk, cream or other additives. Bottom Line: Switching from milky and sugary coffee to black coffee is a great way to cut your calorie intake while still enjoying coffee’s benefits. 9. Avoid Sugary Soda If you want to be healthier, try to avoid sugary drinks. Research has shown that sugar-sweetened beverages may increase your risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and even certain cancers. Bottom Line: Sugary sodas are bad for your health and loaded with added sugar. If you drink a lot of soda, opt for a healthier beverage like green tea. 5. Eat Fatty Fish Often 10. Always Keep Healthy Snacks in Reach Fatty fish like salmon are some of the most nutritious foods on the planet. Research has shown that people who consistently eat the most omega-3 fatty acids tend to have great health benefits. Stocking your pantry with healthy snacks can help you fight cravings when they arise. Some great healthy snacks include a handful of nuts, fruit or even a little bit of dark chocolate. Bottom Line: Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel and herring are great sources of omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins. Aim to eat fatty fish at least twice a week. Bottom Line: Cravings can often derail an attempt to eat healthier. To stave off cravings, make sure you have plenty of healthy snacks are available in your pantry and with you while you’re on the go.