Editor’s Welcome
Hello and welcome to the
Nottingham Mojatu issue M028.
Check out the exclusive interview
with the 2017 winner of the
Nottingham Young Black Achievers
Awards YBA Pg4-7. The ‘Cutting
Season’ where many children are
believed to be at risk of Female Genital Mutilation is
here now. See articles and information on facts, how
to get help or report and actions you can take Pg11.
We also bring you the Grand Maasai Cricket Warriors
Tour! Partnering with Nottingham Trent University, The
Belvoir Cricket & Countryside Trust, Trent Bridge Cricket
Club among other. See Pg47-48
Refugee week is marking its 20th anniversary and
Nottingham is celebrating it in style with a range of
Challenging and sensitive issues on immigration were
discussed in an open, informed and humanised way
in Nottingham at an inaugural event organised by
Immigration Education Nottingham IEN pg6-7.The
Pilgrim church has responded to the Windrush scandal
by creating a community support group for the victims
of the Windrush crisis Pg9
Nottingham citizens gathered together on 10 th May at
the Nottingham Citizens Assembly where a Historic Hate
Crime Research Report was Launched. Details on Pg13
See how our Nottingham Fearless Youth Association is
determined to engage young people, tackle Knife crime
and other social issues within their communities Pg…
It’s count down time for the famous annual Hyson Green
Cultural festival. Bigger and better this year, you do not
want to miss it Pg30. We explored whether it is time to
change the education system, whether the emphasis on
‘schooling’ is short changing our youths Pg42-43
There are lots more fun and informative contents and
we not only believe that you will enjoy the contents but
you will also be able to give us feedback on your views
and how best we can serve you better. Happy Reading!
Valentine Nkoyo
Managing Editor: Mojatu magazines
Email: [email protected]
Group Editor: Frank Kamau – [email protected]
Managing Editor: [email protected]
Graphic Design: Robert Borbely
Contributors: Angela Wathoni | Valentine Nkoyo |
Clive Foster | Edith Ogochuku | Esther Muthoni | Matt
Stewarts | Mark Hayford Dwira | Courtney Smith |
Salani Mutseyami | Penny Cooper | John Gordon
Sales & Marketing / Community Engagement:
Abdoulie Jah - [email protected]
Kevin Price - [email protected]
Edwin Ubah - [email protected]
IT / Social Media: Daniel Ibinimion
News & Sports
Exclusive interview with Vanessa Iheama.............4-7
Immigration Education Nottingham.......................6-7
Community Response to Windrush Crisis.................9
Engaging men is to end FGM...................................... 11
Stand By Me – Do not be a Bystander..................... 12
Historic Hate Crime Research...................................... 13
Selecting your CRM for business ........................18-19
Refugee Week
Nottingham Refugee Week 16 – 23....................20-27
Refugee Week Events List............................................. 21
The Women of Faith....................................................... 22
Refugee Week Fashion ................................................. 25
Layers: An Exhibition of Stories.................................. 26
Faith & Spirituality
Prayer - Thy Kingdom Come........................................ 27
Arts & Culture
Shebeen.............................................................................. 28
Sharing Cultures, Celebrating Friendships............. 30
Quarrylab - Art Exhibition......................................31-33
Health & Food
What Triggers Anxiety? 11 Causes.....................34-35
Sweating: Causes, Adjustments, & Complications...36-37
Education & Career
Fearless Youth Association.....................................38-39
General Data Protection Regulation..................40-41
Vanessa Omaricha Iheama
Photo By Ogochukwu
Mojatu Foundation Disclaimer
The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily
those of the publishers. Every effort has been made to
ensure that the contents of this magazine are accurate but
the publisher cannot take responsibility for errors, omissions,
nor can we accept responsibility for the advertisements or
editorial contributions.
Accounts: John Gordon - [email protected]
Admin: Penny Cooper - [email protected]
News & Comments: [email protected]
Getting the magazine
Online @ www.mojatu.com/magazines
Subscription @ £24 per year including postage
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