Nottingham connected
maintenance to propagation, managing a woodland,
plant husbandry, agroforestry, pruning, juice, wine and
cider making and marketing. Other courses will include
cultivating, processing and selling fruit products,
confidence building all aimed at giving the attendees
increased opportunities of sustainable employment.
These will be coupled with a wide range of countryside
and social skills and provision of opportunities for
volunteering and hands on experience.
A typical day will be organised as follows:
Arrival and preparation
Activities (Pruning, Training, Yoga, working
with machinery, working with animals,
Mentoring, Constructing foot paths, Juicing)
Lunch Break
Activities (Pruning, Training, Yoga, working
with machinery, working with animals,
Mentoring, Constructing foot paths, Juicing)
Finish and people head home
There will be a range of sessions in the farm which
will entail all the listed activities of tending the edible
woodland and managing the fruits and nuts from this
woodland. We will also organise the making of jams,
juices, wines and cider and active workshop for training
services and feeding of goats and sheep.
We will facilitate hands-on experience and training
related to farming and woodland management,
creating a sustainable environment in which to live and
work. We will promote our activities as accessible to all
sectors of the community, thereby improving social
cohesion and extending the provision to the hard to-
reach groups. This program will include 24 sessions, 2
sessions a month.
Several activities – training, harvesting, juicing,
pruning, guarding, weeding and other small jobs to
tend the woodland area will be carried out.
Through marketing and promotion, the consortium
members will recruit participants for the project
by ensuring each partner is able to reach their
communities and to ensure we reach people in the
depths of isolation and mostly highly disengaged.
Using ‘community gatekeepers’, individuals who are
trusted and respected by all in their respective groups,
we will encourage everyone to participate in this
project thereby reaching people of different faith and
ethnicities who would otherwise not see eye to eye.
If you would like to get involved, email office@farmeco. or call 01157846666