Nottingham connected
Education & Career
By Esther Muthoni
Unlike the traditional music industry structure where
aspiring artists must go through record labels to access the
mainstream, there is a fast-growing internet niche culture
where bedroom rappers can communicate directly with the
consumer thanks to platforms such as Soundcloud, turning
the old music industry structure obsolete. However, due to
the easy access nature of these platforms there has been an
over saturation of content. FYA and BS role is to discover and
filter out the best upcoming talent and pick out the hidden
gems in our local communities and provide a platform which
isn’t as dense.
Currently there are no youth led contemporary radio stations
in Nottingham hence the gap in the market we are filling.
Basement Radio is an online radio station which aims to
give a platform for the best up and coming midlands DJs,
Presenters and Artists to showcase contemporary music
from genres such as Trap, R&B and Electronic Music (This is
what we like to call a “New Wave Music Culture”) and relevant
talk shows, interviews and press releases that cover a wide
range of topics from Music News on Contemporary Music
Culture to Comedy Skits and Football Talk Shows.
Our main target audience will be young people aged 16 - 24
but will not be limited to this group.
FYA is a young people led community group in Nottingham
which was started in Dec 2016 where we saw the need of
having a community group to help our fellow youth in
tackling gang and knife crime and increase the police youth
relationship. We’ve done a couple of events with the help of
Nottingham city council, Mojatu Foundation and Selfhelp
Our achievements are getting to open the basement studio
which is currently run by recording artists, booking sessions
and coming to record their songs on which the beats
are generated by one of our best producer, Ken Samson.
Moreover, we have done training sessions where we got a
group of local youth who did a 4-week training of how to
become trainers and inviting more youth to join our cause.
Fya Notts
Contact Number:
Esther 07490037643