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Nottingham connected Such ecosystems exhibit pluralism in content, ownership and constituency, and demonstrate ethical behaviour standards and practices as well as professional quality journalism. In our context, a sustainable media ecosystem is desirable. Journalists need to feel safe and free to ply their trade. Close collaboration with governments in the region to guarantee a conducive environment for journalists is mandatory. We need to pay attention to the quality of journalism being practised by working closely with journalists, editors, media owners, media training institutions and media regulatory agencies. Principally, we need to support alternative media outlets to disseminate critical media content, especially where media capture by political and commercial interests is as pervasive as it is in East Africa. This has generally been on account of ownership. For instance in Kenya, a 2012 Internews study on media ownership established that politicians and their associates own or have controlling stakes in a large number of media outlets in Kenya. issues affecting specific media ecosystems, and the desire to influence media content and advocate for specific issues – civic education on gender, governance, democracy, human rights, HIV/AIDS and other health issues, livelihoods, security, and sector reforms. Success in this approach is seen from the number of articles published and the number of journalists trained. The sustainability of such initiatives is never on the cards, leading us to believe that such efforts are short-term in nature. Though useful, this kind of support is geared towards developing a media adept at articulating such issues and strengthening only one aspect of the media system. In Kenya, considerable investments have been dedicated to the training of journalists to become better subject matter specialists – data, science, health and investigative journalists. Other philanthropists have focused on supporting the establishment of media outlets, especially community media in Kenya, while others have focused on the safety and protection of journalists. This ownership largely increases the extent of political influence in those outlets’ management and content. This is prevalent in registered community media outlets especially where such politicians assure the financing of such stations. Commercial interests, on the other hand, ensure that ‘negative content’ on large corporates is censored. Corporates have been known to pull advertisements from media houses that run ‘negative’ content, hence further limiting their independence. Unfortunately, based on our experience with philanthropists, a holistic approach to media development seems to be the one least desired by most of them, largely due to limited resources, inadequate knowledge of key A snapshot of newspapers in Kenya Though well meaning, these efforts are mostly short-term in nature, opportunistic, disjointed, at times duplicate other efforts and in some instances don’t reflect an understanding of the root challenges facing the media ecosystem especially in Kenya. For instance, it is not unusual to find one journalist being trained by five different organizations in data, health or science Community 23 journalism. Rarely does one find a coordinated effort to ensure that media houses and not just the individual journalist have a better grasp of cutting-edge issues in such subjects. Consequently, we have noted an over-supply of low-quality training for journalists and an under-supply of support to smaller media players, together with a lack of sustainability of media development initiatives in Kenya. It is our contention that philanthropists need to start paying attention to the aspects of the media ecosystem where their support can be most effective. Having implemented sector-wide media development programmes in Kenya and Tanzania we have learned that philanthropy- backed journalism that solely focuses on one aspect of the media ecosystem is unlikely to be effective in the long run since addressing the structural issues facing the sector takes a long time and requires more resources. Although at times successful, support to ‘quality media content production’ is often unsustainable, especially in a fast-changing media context. Thus, support to journalism and media in general is meaningful when philanthropists collaborate to support a long-term sustainable media ecosystem. Anthony Wafula is regional programme manager, trans- parency, accountability and freedom of expression, Hivos Hub East Africa. Email [email protected] Mendi Njonjo is regional director, Hivos Hub East Africa. Email [email protected] This article by Anthony Wafula and Mendi Njonjo was originally published by Alliance magazine on 5 December 2017. The original article can be found here. For more philanthropy and social investment coverage, please visit