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You make the qualification; the qualification does not make you.
By Joel Matsiko
The job market is a very competitive place and for
a variety of reasons the traditional perceptions
of how one is to achieve success are not working.
The truth is they never did! In addition to this, the
multiple costs of achieving a university degree have
increased and there are absolutely no guarantees
that simply enrolling onto the degree or even
college course of your choice will lead you to
employment within that field.
This is unless you have managed to gain at least six to
twelve months full time employment related to your
chosen degree. You will also be required to have managed
to build good working relationships with colleagues and
employers within your chosen area of interest that are
willing to act as a good reference for you.
They give you the opportunity to take control over your
qualification in order to maximise your attainment,
so that your qualifications start to work hard for you.
You can achieve this through asking questions and
benefitting from the higher emphasis on meeting
your development needs than a classroom or lecture
theatre can afford. The more you know the smarter and
faster you can go.
Many times I hear from job candidates that they
would like to go to university or college because
the qualification will get them their dream job.
However, when I look at these candidates CVs I see
very little. They usually lack any work experience
or even voluntary experience.
Why is work and voluntary experience important?
It’s not just what you know or even who you know, it’s how It’s important to demonstrate some basic key
can you communicate and prove it that makes the difference. skills such as Teamwork, Organisation, and
Initiative within an environment away from the
My job on a daily basis is to listen to the requirements protective shell of school.
of Employers who are looking to offer good and paid
development opportunities to Apprentices. This also So what can you do now to prepare yourself to
means I know what other jobs are available for more achieve your employment goals? The first step is
experienced candidates. Frequently, it is an enthusiastic to identify what your employment goals are and
attitude and willingness to learn that secures the research by finding the people who will give you
opportunity for an Apprentice.
their honest opinion. Be brave and ask how to apply
for a paid job with them and what they look for from
Employers are not looking for someone who just prospective applicants. If they have no jobs available
wants any job going or views an Apprenticeship as then ask them to refer you to someone who may be
a stop gap before they move on elsewhere to what able to help and keep you in mind.
they and their older peers may consider a “proper
job”. Apprenticeships are much more than that. Joel Matsiko is an Employer Engagement Executive who
Apprenticeships are the opportunity to develop both specialises in apprenticeship recruitment and placement
your technical and soft skills with the support of your with employers.
employer and apprenticeship provider.
Are you aged 16 – 24
And want to earn as you learn
Salary – Earn minimum wage
Ongoing training
Upon apprenticeship completion:
o Possible job offer and / or
o Further education
Are you an employer
Who wants to hire more staff
Access up to £6,400 in funding towards the
cost of the new apprentice / member if staff
Free advertisement for your job vacancies
Free help with recruitment process
For more information contact Jah on
Email: [email protected] Call: 0115 8457 009 Text: 0794 6303 384