Books In English "City Of Illusions" Ursula K. Le Guin | Page 97
wanted. All he could do was go ahead trying to get at what he wanted.
"Are you free to come and go here?"
"Oh, yes, prech Ramarren. The Lords have been very kind. They have
long been seeking for any…other survivors of the Expedition. Do you
know, prechna, if any of the others…"
"I do not know."
"All that Kradgy had time to tell me, when I got here a few minutes
ago, was that you had been living in the forest in the eastern part of this
continent, with some wild tribe."
"I'll tell you of that if you want to know. But tell me some things first.
I do not know who I am, who you are, what the Expedition was, what
Werel is."
"We are Kelshy," the boy said with constraint, evidently embarrassed
at explaining on so low a level to one he considered his superior, in age of
course, but also in more than age. "Of the Kelshak Nation, on Werel—we
came here on the ship Alterra —"
"Why did we come here?" Falk asked, leaning forward.
And slowly, with digressions and backtrackings and a thousand
question-interruptions, Orry went on, till he was worn out with talking and
Falk with hearing, and the veil-like walls of the room were glowing with
evening light; then they were silent for a while, and dumb servants brought
in food and drink for them. And all the time he ate and drank Falk kept
gazing in his mind at the jewel that might be false and might be priceless,
the story, the pattern, the glimpse—true vision or not—of the world he had
A SUN LIKE a dragon's eye, orange-yellow, like a fire-opal with
seven glittering pendants swinging slowly through their long ellipses. The
green third planet took sixty of Earth's years to complete its year: Lucky
the man who sees his second spring, Orry translated a proverb of that
world. The winters of the northern hemisphere, tilted by the angle of the
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