Book samples The Curious Sign | Page 24

CS-2016-txt-ART.indd 22 22 THE CURIOUS SIGN OF THE MANGER Review copy only—not for distribution. plenty more. You certainly don’t sleep out in the paddock at night to protect them. But in the first century, when Jesus lived, shepherding was a personal thing. The flocks were small, and they were a communal investment and concern. They provided wool for a family’s clothing and meat for their food. If there was a scattering of goats among them, then you had access to milk as well. Each shepherd knew every one of the sheep in his care, maybe even by name. He would call or whistle, and they would come running. It was almost like they were domestic pets in some strange, ‘out-doorsy’ way. At night, various local shepherds would join their flocks together for safety and convenience, and together, they would watch over each other’s animals, taking turns to sleep and eat and so on. In the first century, the shepherd’s job was a job of serious communal responsibility, and every sheep was important. The sheep may have been important, but the shepherds definitely weren’t. They lived outside the city, fringe dwellers doing a lowly paid and unglamorous job. They certainly weren’t the 12/09/2016 1:02 PM