"Tales of the Unexpected"
"Tales of the Unexpected" is written by Roald Dahl. It was published in the year of 1997, and the publisher is Vintage Books. There are 471 pages in " Tales of the Unexpected." "Tales of the Unexpected" has many diffrent stories. The story I chose was "Lamb to the Slaughter." What caught my attention was that it was mysterious.
The main character is Mary Magloney. The "Lamb to the Slaughter" takes place at Mary and Jose's house. Jose Magnoley is Mary's husband, who works at a family resturant called "Jose's food." Mary doesn't have a job; she stays home and cleans and cooks for Jose when he comes home from work. One day Jose came home sad and Mary was trying to cheer him up. Jose didn't want anything from her so Mary got mad and made a plan to never see Jose again.
I learned that its better to thank someone for cheering you up than not doing anything about it. My favorite part was when they caught Mary with her plan, and my least favorite part was how Jose didn't do anything. I can't relate to this book ,but I would recommend it to people who like mystery and fiction books.
By: Anna Morelos
7th grade