Book of Good Advice Book_of_good_advice | Page 8

HOW TO MAKE YOUR MORNING BEAUTIFUL W AKE UP TO SOOTHING SOUNDS No one likes getting out of bed. It may even be the hardest part of your day. Playing soothing and cheerful music, such as birds chirping, instead of a blaring alarm can help you wake up in a calm and relaxed manner. S ET YOUR ALARM TIME based on what time you need to get to school or work. You’ll also need to figure in your morning routine. For example, if you have to be at school or work at 7:30 and it takes you an ½ hour to get ready and a ½ hour to commute, you need to wake up no lat- er than 6:30am. Try to have a cushion of 15 minutes in the event you want a few minutes to snooze or run late. G ET OUT OF BED IN A LEISURELY MANNER Instead of hopping right out of bed, give yourself a few minutes to open your eyes and let them get used to the light. Then gradually work yourself into getting out of your comfy bed to start a good day. 8 T AKE A FEW MINUTES TO CUDDLE with your partner or your kids before getting up. A good hug or cuddle is a great way to protect against stress.Stretch lightly or do some yoga to get your blood flowing.You could also take a few deep breaths by in- haling through your nose and exhaling from your mouth to further relax you.Sit up and put your feet on the floor. A PPLY CARE PRODUCTS Once you’ve dried your skin com- pletely, apply any skincare you use as well as deodorant. Lotion or other skincare items can keep your skin soft and smelling nicely throughout the day. Deodorant also helps keep you smelling fresh so that others want to be around you. W ARM ANY LOTIONS OR MOISTUR- IZERS between your fingers or hands before you put them on your body. Not only does this feel better than cold lotion, but it may also ab- sorb more quickly.