Bonsave & Bonfit select 2024 | Page 11


• Accessible to all female members aged 18 and above
• Guidance , support , and education led by women ' s healthcare experts
• Early detection of diseases and seamless access to specialised care
• Proactive support in accessing essential healthcare services
• Promotion of preventative healthcare strategies tailored to women ' s needs
• Online health assessments tailored to female health concerns
• Empowerment of women to actively manage their health
• Provides you with appropriate treatment and tools to live your best life
• Offers HIV-related consultations to visit your doctor to monitor your clinical status
• Offers access to telephonic support from doctors
• Covers medicine to treat HIV ( including drugs to prevent mother-to-child transmission and infection after sexual assault or needle-stick injury )
• Covers regular blood tests to monitor disease progression , response to therapy and to detect possible side-effects of treatment
• Offers 1 annual pap smear for members who had a positive cytology test
• Gives ongoing patient support via a team of trained and experienced counsellors
• Treatment and prevention of opportunistic infections such as pneumonia , TB and flu
• Helps in finding a registered counsellor for face-to-face emotional support
• Care for any acute condition deemed appropriate by your treating provider i . e ., pneumonia , Covid-19
• An alternative to general ward admission and stepdown facilities , allowing you to receive quality , safe healthcare in the comfort of your home
• Remote patient monitoring including 24 / 7 vital signs monitoring from our clinical command centre , continuous virtual visits and clinical support ,
continuous care from a doctor , short-term oxygen ( as prescribed ) and emergency ambulance services
• Our hospital setup at home also includes remote patient monitoring , daily visits , laboratory services , blood tests , wound dressings , medication / fluids via a drip , allied healthcare services and physiotherapy ( as prescribed )
• A team of trained healthcare professionals , including skilled nurses , that will bring all the essential elements of hospital care to your home
• A transitional care programme to minimise re-admissions
• Hospital-at-Home is subject to pre-authorisation