With temperatures set to soar this summer and most of the country already
experiencing a heatwave this year, heatstroke is a distinct possibility. Learn
how to recognise the signs and know what to do if it affects you or your
loved ones.
What is a heatstroke?
Who is at risk?
Heat stroke is caused by high temperatures.
It is one of the most serious forms of heat
damage as it damages the brain and internal
organs leading to death. It is a result of milder,
heat-related illness such as heat cramps, heat
syncope (fainting), and heat exhaustion.
Anyone is at risk, but who are more exposed
to the heat like construction workers,
engineers and street vendors are more likely
to be affected. This year in January alone
,eleven people were reported to have died
from heatstroke.
During extreme heat the
temperatures in your car
could be deadly!
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Bonitas Member Magazine 2016 Issue 4