Disinfect wounds with honey
Golden, delicious raw honey has a range of health properties. It’s
antibacterial, antimicrobial, an antioxidant and humectant which means a
wound treated with honey will heal faster and leave less of a scar. Honey is
also a good remedy for acne and dry skin. A recent study published in the
Microbiology Journal, found that this sweetener prevents a type of
streptococcus pyogenes from inhibiting the healing of wounds. Researchers
conducting the lab tests discovered that even the smallest amount of honey
was enough to kill off the majority of bacterial cells on the skin which infect
the wound site.
Ditch your handwash for soap
Scientists have issued a warning against the use of expensive antibacterial
handwash saying they encourage superbugs. Research published in the Clinical
Infectious Diseases Journal found that Triclosan, the main active ingredient in many
antibacterial soaps, can cause some bacteria to become resistant to commonly
used antibiotics such as amoxicillin. Bacteria such as E. coli and salmonella, which
are major culprits in food poisoning, are common, highly adaptable threats
which may develop some resistance. Dr Anthony Hilton, microbiologist at Aston
University in the UK, says handwash soaps are often used inappropriately, for
example either too briefly or with cold water. He says you should wash your hands
thoroughly for several minutes in warm, clean water as the action of washing
and the temperature remove bacteria more effectively than a fancy antibacterial
Wash your hands after withdrawing cash
Cleanliness tests have revealed that ATMs are as dirty and carry the same germs as public toilets.
When scientists took swabs from urban ATMs, they found that they were heavily contaminated
with bacteria including those known to cause sickness and diarrhoea. Dr Mark Fielder, a medical
microbiologist at Kingston University London, says if people don’t wash their hands properly, all sorts
of organisms will be transferred to the buttons on an ATM. He says just as it’s important to wash your
hands after using the toilet, it would be sensible to clean them after taking money out of the ATM.