Our dental benefits are managed by DENIS, the
largest network of dental professionals in South
Africa. All dental procedures have predefined
benefits, which are paid at the Bonitas Dental Tariff.
Remember to get
You need to obtain pre-authorisation for the
• Crown and bridge procedures
• Orthodontics
• Implants
• Hospitalisation
• Intravenous / Conscious sedation
• Periodontics
• Plastic dentures and partial metal frame dentures
You can get pre-authorisation by calling the
DENIS call centre on 0860 336 346 or emailing
What will my benefits cover?
This depends on the option you’re on. The good news is
that dental benefits are paid for from risk on a number
of plans including BonClassic, BonFit, Standard, Standard
Select, Primary and BonCap so they won’t affect your
savings or day-to-day benefits. Conservative dentistry
is covered on most plans. Remember, we focus on the
health of your teeth, rather than their appearance.
Therefore, dental problems associated with pain,
discomfort, and oral hygiene are generally covered, while
cosmetic dentistry such as porcelain veneers and teeth
whitening is excluded.
What is conservative dentistry?
Conservative dentistry is also known as basic or routine
dentistry. It means the diagnosis, prevention and
treatment of tooth and gum diseases as well as the
repair of defective teeth. This includes consultations,
oral hygiene (scale and polish), fillings, x-rays, root canals
and extractions.
What is specialised dentistry?
Specialised dentistry (also known as advanced dentistry)
occurs when teeth need to be replaced or when badly
damaged teeth need to be repaired, and conservative
dentistry would not be adequate. Authorisation is
required for some treatments before treatment starts.
This includes partial metal frame dentures, implants,
orthodontics, maxillofacial surgery as well as crowns and
bridgework. Not all options have specialised dentistry
benefits, so it is important that you check whether you
are covered for specialised dentistry.
B-Living Issue 1, 2018
We require the following information for
• Hospital practice number
• Anaesthetist practice number
• Treating clinician
• Hospital admission date
• Procedure code(s) with ICD-10 code(s) and where
relevant the applicable tooth numbers
• Main reason why the procedure is needed
How do I submit claims to DENIS?
Submitting claims is easy! Make sure the following details
are clearly visible on your claim:
• Your membership number, dependant name and code
• The dentist’s details and practice registration number
• The treatment date
• The relevant procedure – and ICD-10 codes
• The tooth numbers (if applicable)
Email your claim to claims@denis.co.za or post the
original copies of your dental claims to Private Bag X 1,
Century City, 7446, Cape Town.
How do I find a dentist on the network?
We cover all dentists on the DENIS network, which has
several dentists located nationwide. To find a dentist on
the network near you, go to www.denis.co.za and use the
“Find a Dentist” tool.
Select Bonitas Medical Fund from the drop-down menu,
select your option, province, city/town/suburb and click
the search button. You will then receive a list of dentists
in your area as well as their contact details.
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