Bonita Bay Now
PUBLISHER Tulip Media Group
Jessica Embree CONTENT COORDINATOR Angela Lutzi Dellatorè CONTRIBUTORS
Angela Lutzi Dellatorè Scott Dellatorè
Jocelyn Cunningham Sharon Knight and George Triantafillis
Pat and Edie White Dan Sheets and Marcia Coimbra
Dan Walsh Dave and Ann Struve
Melinda Myers Jon Milz
Gretchen Rubin Richard and Linda Eyre
Dr . Travis Bradberry Susan Pascal
Tulip Media Group Kathy Hutchins / Shuttershock . com ( Christie Brinkley ) iStock . com Sheryl Moreno
Mark Avery ( Melinda Myers ) Several Photos Are From Our Luxorious Listing in Tavira of Bonita Bay , Unit 702 .
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Inspired By You – The Community Members of Bonita Bay
We are very fortunate to live in such an exquisitely beautiful place as Bonita Bay . More importantly , we are thankful every single day for the people we have been privileged and blessed to meet within this amazing community . We have made many friends in a short period of time .
From the walking paths to the 55th Hole to the fitness center to the breezeway , we encounter people who are warm , pleasant , and inviting . We make it a point of sharing our love for Bonita Bay and its residents with all of our clients who are searching for property in the area and tell them how much we love it here . There is no community like Bonita Bay anywhere . Truly !
The people who live and work here make this gorgeous community feel even more welcoming . You can sense the positive energy when you enter the gate . There ’ s a vibrancy here that can ’ t be duplicated . We like to say that we all know a secret , and when we share that secret with people who ask questions about the area , they are intrigued . Then , when they visit Bonita Bay , wander around the community , see ALL that is offered here , and the sheer beauty , they ’ re inevitably hooked . And once they ’ ve taken residency , they tell us it ’ s the best decision they could have made , that their lives feel invigorated and renewed . We could not be happier with our decision to make Bonita Bay our home .
Our diverse residents come from all over the world , and they each have a unique story to tell . That ’ s why we wanted to share some of those interesting experiences here with you . You ’ ll meet long-time residents as well as newcomers . What they all have in common is their love for Bonita Bay .
We hope you enjoy reading these personal accounts and how our residents came to find this special community . We found their stories very interesting , and we hope you do too .
Thank you , Bonita Bay residents , for being such great neighbors . We look forward to helping more people learn about our secret — the secret of Bonita Bay !
Sincerely , Angela Lutzi Dellatorè & Scott Dellatorè The Dellatorè Real Estate Group ILoveBonitaBay . com