Bolivian Flag & Map
B o l i v i a
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Nic Fabb
B o l i v i a n F l a g
M a p o f B o l i v i a
The Flag of Bolivia is a tri colored red , yellow , and green . Yellow is a symbol of generosity . Red represents hardiness , bravery , strength & Valor . Green represents hope , joy , and love . In many cultures have a sacred significance . The symbol in the middle of the flag represents the coat of arms which consists of Bolivian flags , olive branches , muskets , and an eagle on top . The Crossed muskets symbolize the struggle for independence . The olive branches symbolize peace and the eagle symbolizes liberty .
Peru , Brazil , Chile , Paraguay and Argentina surround Bolivia . Sucre is Bolivia ’ s capital . Some major cities in Bolivia is Santa Cruz de la Sierra , Department of Santa Cruz El Alto , and Department of La Paz La Paz .