A day in JAPAN
Japan is situated in Asia. It´s capital is Tokio. The people who live in this country are japanese. Their
language is japanese. It is a rainy country with a high humidity. Their currency is yen . The flag re-
presents the sun. Japan’s president is Shinzo
Abe. Japan’s main cities are Tokio, Osaka, Hi-
roshima and Nagasaki. Their three main impor-
tant festivities are: “Sapporo show festival”,
Hokkardo from 6th to 12nd February, “Aomori
Nebura Matsuri”, Aomori from 2nd to 7th Au-
gust, and “Kanda Matsuri”, Tokio on the Satur-
day and Sunday closes to May 15th. Thea Ja-
panese people are kind, shy and disciplined. Their main hobbies are cooking, drawing, videogames,
and reading mangas.