Education at Boldwin School
Working with children and bringing them up isn ’ t an easy job . Children need much care and attention . Also , being an -elemetary teacher is very hard , since teaching is a mixture of talent and skill . Boldwin International School provides students with the best quality of education .
ريمي بسام حسام الدين
معلمة اللغة الإنكليزية للحلقة الثانية
حاصلة على إجازة في التربية و لديها شغف عميق في التعليم . تتابع دراسة الماجيستير حالياً في الجامعة الأميريكية في بيروت . انضمت الى المدرسة منذ العام الدراسي 2014-2013 و ما زالت من أكثر المعلمات شغفاً و حرصاً على تكوين شخصية قيادية لتلاميذها الذين يتمكنون من اللغة الإنكليزية على يدها كتابةً و قراءةً و محادثةً . و هي دائماً تسعى إلى تعزيز ثقة التلميذ بنفسه وتنمية شخصيته .
When I decided to be an elementary teacher , I was sure of my decision due to the plenty of teaching methods and strategies I pocess . Ever since childhood , I have had this dream , that one day I ’ m going to be a teacher that every student needs ; the teacher who cares for her pupils , solves their problems , -suports them and builds their personalities . I dreamt of being that teacher , who can make a difference in her student ’ s life , and who can see the world through her children ’ s eyes .
Pupils shouldn ’ t feel forced to study . They have to feel -comforable , interested , and motivated instead . So , they should be the center of the teaching-learning process . Not to brag , but our teaching sessions at Boldwin School are very interesting and effective at the same time . Just think about how an upper -elmentary student can search the internet to look for new -informtion , and make power point presentations , charity projects , and events , all with the help of modern technology for educational aims . For example , they use their tablets to study the -irreglar verbs as a rap song , record presentations , play educational games , and watch videos that are related to each lesson …
All in all , Boldwin School team is working hard to raise up -crative leaders of the future , who dare to change the world , and to enhance students ’ learning experience , their analytical and -critcal thinking skills , and helping them gain and retain knowledge effectively .
42 مدرسة بولدوين العالمية