Hi, I’m Hayli! I am a sixth grader. I am a Dancer at Dancers Alley in Jefferson
City, MO. I am in level six out of eight levels. I have dance every night of the
week except Friday’s and Sunday’s. I just recently got pointe shoes in ballet!
I do all styles of dance and love them all!
There are many auditions and performances in the dance world. During
auditions, I can’t tell you how important it is to have character in your danc-
ing. Don’t be afraid to add style and personality into your audition dances.
(unless choreographed to have a certain style or told differently.) No matter
what type of dance you are doing have confidence, even if the girl standing
next to you has more technique than you do. Don’t think negatively! Catch
the judges eye with confidence and if you see someone doing something you
like, use it, make it your own.
Another big aspect of auditions is what you wear. Surprisingly your outfit
does make a difference in your auditions! During auditions, it’s always best
to wear tightly fitted clothes so they can see your body form and your posi-
tioning. I also think the outfit should coordinate with the type of dance and
song you are dancing to.
Before every audition, it is very important to be at least forty-five minutes
early. Most auditions don’t start off with a warm up. Showing up prepared
and early allows you time to stretch and run the dance a few times before
the auditions start. If you are lucky, maybe a judge will notice you during
warm-ups. Depending on the audition you may need to bring a headshot.
The headshot allows the judges to remember who you are after watching
many dancers perform.
May/June 2017