H dances in the puddles until
the sun comes out again!
With LOTS of support from family, friends and my counselor I am starting
to understand I don’t need a guy for anything now. I am starting to accept
myself for who I am and realize if I want to change anything about myself
it should be for me and not a boy. I am loving myself for who I am more and
more every day. I am accepting my path, and I know now that everything
happens for a reason, and I am starting to understand that this is a part of
who I am and it’s helping me grow stronger and stronger. I am proud that I
no longer put myself down, and I’m happy. I don’t feel the urge to reveal my
body to please boys. It has taken a very long time to learn how I deserve to
be treated and that I need to be respected in order to be pleased with my-
Looking back on my journey, I’m proud of the distance I have come, I now
have hope for not only myself but other people that have or are going
through a very rough time. No matter if I have a slip-up and get down, turn-
ing to my past habits are a buried thought in my mind. I need to make people
proud and live on through my lost loved ones. I strive to be successful and
be the best I can be, for me. Mental abuse and illness have traumatized me,
I smile at the thought of the help that has been provided, and I will continue
to accept and grow from it. I continue to improve myself daily, and I have
great plans for myself. A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you
cannot do.
Kennedy, 13
March 2017