BoldlyU Magazine Issue 5 | Page 26

FEATURED 4-H giving & leadership Being in 4-H, one of the easiest ways to give back is by being a leader.
This can be as little as helping an elderly neighbor carry in their groceries or organizing a group of people to work at the local food bank.
Being in a leadership position with my 4-H club, I feel it’s very important to give back and get other people excited about giving back.
Being a leader doesn’t mean you have to hold an office or have a fancy title. It just means you can take charge and organize a project for you and your friends to do, or that you can speak up and say what’s on your mind or give your opinion on what you feel is right. A good leader also listens to other people’s ideas and opinions and puts them into consid- eration.
 You don’t have to be in 4-H to be a leader. You can be a leader by suggesting that the sports team you are on should go and volunteer somewhere like The Food Bank, and help to organize it. You can even do something as simple as getting your friends or family together to make valentines/mothers/fathers day cards and take them to a local nursing home. It may seem like a small or silly thing, but you’ll bring a smile to someone’s face and that’s all that matters. Taylor, 15