BoldlyU Magazine Issue 5 | Page 10


The Power of Music

Music is a way for people to break free and get away from everything and everybody . When you feel sad , listening to music can send you to a happy place until you feel better . It also helps with your confidence , and it can bring people together who have nobody . When they listen to music , they feel like they are very happy even if they are alone . I personally like to listen to music to make myself feel better . Although , even when I am happy I still listen to it .

Music Facts :

In 1000 CE Guido D ’ Arezzo made many improvements in music theory . He first improved and reworked standard notation to be more user-friendly by adding time signatures . Then he invented solfege . This is the vocal note scale : do , re , mi , fa , so , la , ti , do .

Me ’ Ahjanae