BoldlyU Magazine Issue 4 | Page 38

ositive beautiful loving inspiring compassionate thletic ST RICT LY creative T WEENScaring spontaneous adventurous rave carфul kind funny amazing special import ncouraging sweet silly respectful nice positive wo eacфul strong confident bold bright brave joyfu elpful gentle happy precious gracфul honest cap aithful energetic expressive determined admirab ositive beautiful Self-Image loving inspiring compassionate thletic creative caring spontaneous adventurous rave carфul kind Struggles funny amazing special import ncouraging sweet silly respectful nice positive wo eacфul strong confident bold bright brave joyful elpful gentle I sometimes happy struggle with precious the way I look gracфul . I don ' t like whenhonest capa aithful people energetic make comments expressive that I am not determined very skinny or pretty admirab ositive beautiful in their eyes . It is also loving hard when inspiring guys don ' t want compassionate to get to thletic know creative me because caring I am not considered spontaneous pretty or skinny adventurous to rave carфul them . When

kind constantly

funny hearing that


I ' m fat or not pretty


, import ncouraging sweet silly respectful nice positive wo it really makes me feel insecure and deep down I believe

eacфul strong confident bold bright brave joyful them . Those two phrases always keep replaying in my head elpful gentle happy precious gracфul honest capa over and over every day . Guys don ’ t want to talk to me or aithful energetic expressive determined admirab ositive beautiful date me because they loving think it is inspiring true and they don compassionate

’ t want to thletic get creative to know who caring I am on the inside spontaneous . Every time I start adventurous liking rave carфul a guy I know kind they won funny ’ t like me because amazing there are prettier special import ncouraging girls than sweet me and girls silly that are respectful skinnier than me . These nice positive wo eacфul thoughts strong have confident stayed in my head every bold day , bright and they are brave a joyfu elpful gentle constant struggle

happy not to precious believe . Sometimes

gracфul it does help me

honest cap aithful to keep

energetic reminding yourself

expressive that I am who

determined I am and that is admirab ositive beautiful loving inspiring compassionate what makes me unique and allows me to stand out . Also , I thletic creative caring spontaneous adventurous rave carфul tell myself

kind to believe

funny in myself and

amazing to remember that


I am import ncouraging pretty in sweet my own special silly way respectful . nice positive wo eacфul strong confident bold bright brave joyful elpful gentle happy precious gracфul honest capa

Zoe , 13 aithful energetic expressive determined admirab ositive beautiful loving inspiring compassionate thletic creative caring spontaneous adventurous rave carфul kind funny amazing special import ncouraging sweet silly respectful nice positive wo eacфul strong confident bold bright brave joyful elpful gentle happy precious gracфul honest capa

38 January 2017

aithful energetic expressive determined admirab