BOLD & SAVVY Magazine November-December 2016 | Page 2

E T O N S ’ R O T I ED HERE WE GO I was recently graced with the responsibility of becoming the Editor of Bold & Savvy Magazine. Wow! Talk about exciting. I love the written word and am always willing and eager to learn, grow and develop. When I was thinking of a title for my input, Here We Go, was at the forefront. Not only is it a part of a line from one of my favorite movies but it also represents moving forward. After all, when you are going, you are on your way somewhere – wherever that may be for you. As we finish out this year, I trust that you have found yourself moving towards your goals and destiny. You may not have moved as far as you would have liked, but guess what? You are reading this, so there is always time to get going. In this holiday season, I trust that you will tell the people you love that you do. Give hugs, send cards, make phone calls, reach out and you will be surprised how uplifting those actions can be. You may be saying that you have no one near and dear. Just look around there are Shelters, Group Homes, churches, libraries… so many places where you can give a smile and/or exchange a kind word, lend a helping hand all the while making someone’s day brighter and boosting your own spirits. I am excited to be on this journey to you and look forward to your comments after having read this issue. Carol Bailey @carolcbailey 2 NOVEMBER ☐ DECEMBER