BOLD & SAVVY Magazine May - June | Page 4

Greetings dear friends! Thanks a million for joining us on this journey. We truly appreciate you.

In the two months that this issue is covering we are celebrating parents: Mother’s Day in May followed by Father’s Day in June.

How do you celebrate your parents? Are you a parent? How do you like to be celebrated?

Do you go all out or do you like quiet gatherings in your home? If you are not a parent, have you thought of what that would look like for you?

I know I have asked a number of questions. But, you have stopped to ponder what your response would be, right? If you would like to share your response, we would love to hear from you. Send your answer to: [email protected].

I am the mother of four young adults and have relished the role of motherhood.

As the children were growing up, their friends were always welcome in our home. In fact, we encouraged these interactions because we knew that we were providing a safe place for play and food was always available .

One of our neighbors had custody of his grandson. Even though he was several years younger than our youngest, they became friends and spent many hours playing in and around our home.

I am a hugger, so I would give these kids hugs upon answering their knock at the door.

Almost seven years later the neighbor approached my husband and mentioned how much those hugs meant to his grandson. Wow!! I had no idea the impact I was having on this little boy who is now a young man.

So, as you go about your daily tasks be encouraged even when it seems that you are performing thankless tasks. You may never know the impact you are having, but I’m inviting you to keep going anyway.

You may follow me on Twitter @carolcbailey .

Here We Go....

By Carol C. Bailey