The show is currently based in Chicago and for this season they are seeking actors from ages 8 through 70. It is a medium where those with aspirations in the film industry have a platform to display their gifts and talents.
Faith’s dream would be to take Casting Call on the road where other film makers and producers would use it to find their cast and crew.
Presently the actors are asked to find sponsors for their appearance on Casting Call. Depending on the level of sponsorship, the sponsors could also receive credit or acknowledgment when the movie or project has been produced.
Faith has indeed tapped in to her passion and she has set out to help others do the same.
If you are interested in participating or learning more, her contact information is as follows:
Email: [email protected]
We wish Faith Diggs and F.A.I.T.H. Productions the best and look forward to hearing more and more about their endeavors in the years ahead.
Follow me on Twitter @carolcbailey
Above: Faith surveys the view through the camera.
Right: Working with actors on set.