Plus-Size Model continued
Q How can a woman find her own sense of style no matter what age or size she is?
LG Style is a matter of personal preference and choice, not what the latest fashion trend is. As a teenager, oh so long ago (smile), my style was different from my peers because I didn’t want to look like everyone else. I’m still the same way, though I used to hide behind big T shirts and sweats because I didn’t want anyone to “see” me during a good portion of my adult years. Now I just let my imagination be my guide for my style. If I feel like wearing Converse sneakers with a dress or big jewelry with a T shirt and jeans; wear a blue wig, dye my hair blonde or wear white after Labor Day, I do just that! Your style is uniquely yours and should make you feel great whether wearing designer clothing or your favorite sweats. Be adventurous, be daring, and be mindful that all things don’t look good on all body shapes and sizes. Just because something comes in your size doesn’t mean you should wear it. I don’t dress according to my age; I dress according to what I like and what is flattering for my body type. You should do the same. Stop being a square peg in a round hole. You are a work of art made by the hand of God. Own it and do you!
Q What's your favorite look?
LG My favorite look is sassy, classy, casual, with a little bling. I love jewelry, especially signature pieces that can be worn whether you are wearing formal, business, or laid-back attire. And yes, sometimes I go over the top. But really, does that matter to anyone but me?