BOLD - Issue 11: May/Jun 2018 MayJun18_BOLD_NL - online | Page 12

Water is our most precious resource . Having a clean sustainable water supply is vital for our health and one of the most important issues facing the region . We have a number of supplies across the region .
Toowoomba City and close surrounds are connected to the bulk water supply consisting of Cooby Dam , Cressbrook Dam , Perserverance Dam and Wivenhoe . Our regional areas rely on bores , smaller dams and weirs .
Together with the community we need to ensure that we use water responsibly in order to preserve our existing supplies . To check the current conservation measures for your area visit www . tr . qld . gov . au / water

Watch Ya

Water Mate

We can all do our part in using water responsibly . Here are a few tips to help watch your water and make a difference .

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Wax on Wax Off - we all love the ' pride and joy ' to look its best so when you wash the car use a bucket and a hose with a trigger nozzle .
It ’ s where our voices sound like an angel but if you can sing a shorter song and cut the shower time down by a minute you will save up to 25 Litres .
You can still get the pegs gleaming by turning off the tap while brushing your teeth . This can save up to 5 litres each time .
You can keep your gardens watered by installing an efficient irrigation system or timer . This can save water and improve the health of your plants .
Leaks - we ’ re not talking about the kind you put in soup . Leaking pipes and taps can amount to a lot of wasted water . Check for leaks by turning all taps off and recording your meter reading before heading out . On return check to see if it ’ s changed . If required , call a plumber to fix any problems .
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