Boko Haram 1 | Page 10

President of Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari addresses the 70th session of the United Nations “We are on the frontline on the war on terror,” Muhammadu Buhari Source Given during the 70th session of the United Nations. Speech given by President Muhammadu Burhari on the aspirations of Nigeria and their commitment to defeating Boko Haram. Muhammada Buhari has been president of Nigeria since May of 2015. Logic He exchanged information on all of Nigeria’s current issues and what he wants done to change Nigeria for the better. His points ring strong. It helped bring the feelings of concern Nigerians have to a global awareness. Motive Left Out Part of what got Buhari into presidency was his promise to defeat Boko Haram and restore Nigeria. He has a lot riding on him to achieve that promise. This could motivate him to only touch on the positive aspects he has achieved or even stretch the truth. Where Buhari receives his information. Whether he exaggerates things to sound better than they really are or possibly even leaves out certain information or truths. Evidence Buhari has connections being president that can provide him with the truth along with any newly updated information. His high rank in office makes him a credible source. Although there are many who would say the opposite and may find the government untrustworthy. 9 10