Mailing information to come
Milestone Alumni Celebration
by Becky White
This year the School of Nursing is excited to announce that we will be hosting our annual Golden
Alumni Celebration during the week of Homecoming. However, this year we have decided to make
the event more appealing to former students by having a ‘Milestone Alumni Celebration’. This event
will not only include our 50th anniversary alums, but we will also celebrate students celebrating their
25th, 15th, 10th, 5th, and 1st anniversary as a former Boise State student.
The event will be held on Wednesday, October 16, 2013. Activities will include a luncheon,
awards ceremony for our 50 year grads, networking opportunities, presentations by current faculty &
leaders, Simulation Technology Lab tour, Boise State campus tour, and not to be missed--a behind the
scenes tour of the football field with picture opportunities on the blue turf!
As the Boise State nursing community continues to grow, we cherish this opportunity to reconnect with former students and faculty, while celebrating your accomplishments.
We have mailed postcards to all students we have on file with a brief outline of the activities that
will take place that day. If you have not received a postcard, please email Becky White at
[email protected] to update your contact information.