Boiled Beans July 2014 | Page 3

Charita Cariappa

A year ago, various college applications and contemplations later, the future looked far from bright from where I was sitting. The thought to ditch the academic route despite making it through , was actually easier than I thought. What followed was a series of making. and eventually breaking, decisions. What was next?

"Perhaps I could have my own magazine," I thought rather seriously. And then I laughed for a full ten minutes.

A month later, we'd begun working on BoiledBeans.

It's been a glorious year (for most parts of it) and 'Thank You's' are in order. Thank you to those who were there when it began, but a BIGGER thank you to those who stayed till the very end - Chandale Cariappa and Laksha Kalappa, pillars of strength through all the unwanted drama, all the slack that had to be picked up, the unbelievable excuses that were thrown at us, and making up for the complete lack of dedication displayed by some.

A big thanks to all the friends and family who so willingly helped us at every step of the way.

We couldn't have done it without our writers, who've been so very loyal, and our readers who've kept us alive. So, thank you!

With all the negativity out and about, it's time to celebrate what we've acomplished in this one year. From graduating and being clueless, to creating BoiledBeans, It's been an absolute blast

This volume ends with happiness, love and pride.

BoiledBeans will be back soon enough. Au revoir.