Bogey Breeze 2019 Winter | Page 13

realize that once the bunker renovation is “complete” we still have a lot of work ahead of us. All the spoils/dump areas will have to be cleaned up, shaped and seeded. Many other areas on the golf course will need repairs including grading and seeding as well. This project will impact us for the remainder of the season also. Once completed, we will have approximately two acres of sod and another acre or two in seeded areas we will have to nurse along until mature. Thanks for your cooperation throughout the project with hole closures during golf play.

Upon the completion of our huge bunker project we will be tackling some other tasks. The amount of tasks we complete will depend on how much time we have before the start of our golf season. Our goal is to be finished with project work at the end of February. This will allow us to transition straight into golf course setup in the beginning of March. There are several trees on the property that will come down for sure. Other tasks we hope to get to are a few tee renovations, brush clearing and tree trimming. As always, please keep tuning in to my golf course maintenance blog. These newsletters only provide a basic summary of whats going on. To see detailed descriptions and numerous pictures of projects and everyday tasks, the blog is your place to go. You can also simply subscribe by supplying your email. Then every time a new blog is posted you will get a direct email. Doesn't get any easier than that!

Finally, another reminder about those dreaded frost delays. Please be patient and cooperative during the off season frost mornings. We want to get you out on the course as soon as possible. Each frost can differ in timing and severity. Its crucial to not have traffic on the turf during a frost. While under a frost or freeze, each blade of grass is like an icicle. If stepped or driven on, the blades of grass shatter and break causing injury.

Chad Fetter

Head Greens Superintendent