BodyNStyle Magazine Mar/Apr 2014 | Page 19

Okay readers let’s get ready to build some serious “Gunz” HOLLYWOOD STYLE! As we all know the arms (biceps/triceps) are those two muscles that get noticed first. Unlike all other muscles that can be hidden the arms are the showiest. Try this routine every fourth day with proper form and it will make your arms look like those Hollywood Hunks/Goddesses Biceps Triceps Forearms 1.Barbell Curls 3 sets of 10 reps 1.Tricep Extensions * 4 sets of 15 reps 1.Wrist Curls 3 sets of 15 reps 2.Preacher Curls 3 sets of 10 reps 2.Overhead Tricep Extensions * 4 sets of 15 reps 2.Reverse Wrist Curls 3 sets of 15 reps 3. Hammer Curls 3 sets of 10 reps 3. Kick Backs *4 sets of 15 reps * On triceps an extra set with extra reps is required .The triceps is a bigger muscle than the bicep; Three heads as appose to two on the bicep. How To Look 5 Pounds Thinner In 3 Easy Steps What You’ll Need: Bronzer: Find a bronzer one or two shades deeper than your skin tone Luminous Highlighter: M ake sure it’s a bit lighter than your complexion Cheekbones: Start off by applying your bronzer in a diagonal line from the center of your cheek to the ear. You can suck in your cheeks as if you were making a fishy face so you know exactly where to start. (The higher you apply the bronzer the sharper your cheekbones would appear). Now add some highlighter to the tops of your cheekbones to really brighten them up. Highlighter Bronzer REMEMBER to BLEND, BLEND, BLEND!! Nose: For a thinner nose swipe some bronzer down the sides of your nose (make sure you stop before getting to your nostrils). Then swipe some highlighter down the bridge of your nose. Bronzer Highlighter Jawline: Define your jawline by applying some bronzer along your jaw and blend it downward towards your neck. Bronzer Bronzer BODY N STYLE MAR / APR 2014 P 19