all comes down
to how we define
work-life balance.
I define it as the
ability to work hard
and be passionate
about your work,
but also have time
for yourself in your
personal life.
usiness woman, professional athlete, Founder
and CEO of Gemmalyn Crosby Sports Festival,
Gemmalyn is the first Filipina to acquire an IFBB Pro
Card in Bodybuilding, winning 16 championship
titles in International Bikini Competitions since 2011.
also a member of Filipino Combat Systems or FCS
Kali, an organization with members from around the
world, dedicated to the preservation and promotion
of all Filipino Martial Arts.
To top it all, Gemmalyn is a dedicated wife, mother
This lovely petite bikini athlete may melt your heart and homemaker. When asked how she juggles time
with her soft voice and long eyelashes, but make no and tasks, here’s what she had to say.
mistake-- she’s a martial arts athlete too. Oh yes, she
“It all comes down to how we define work-life
can fight.
balance. I define it as the ability to work hard and
Gemmalyn started training in martial arts when be passionate about your work, but also have time
she was 4 years old and have moved up to the more for yourself in your personal life. There are certain
advanced level in Mixed Martial Arts or MMA. She’s situations where you will have to decide if your work
BOD Fitness Lifestyle Magazine