BNG MAG® July 2014 (Vol.-1/Issue-1) | Page 4

SPECIAL THANKS As a teenager, you never notice how much your family truly supports you and everything you want to do until you see your goals accomplished. I wanted to take the time out to tell my folks at home that I appreciate them for everything they do for me. I have so many dreams and various interests that I wouldn’t be able to express without the help of my mother (Renee) and father (M.A.) and my mentor Shanti Das. I’m so blessed and thankful to have a family of artists and hip-hop lovers. Without their love for this culture, I wouldn’t know to appreciate this great genre and the things it has done for the African American community. -Thank you y’all da real MVP. Publisher/Editor/ Photographer Kahdria Davidson Advertising/Feature inquires Email: [email protected] Tumblr: 4. | SELF CREATION IS INDEPENDENCE | - From the “Gospel of Hip Hop,” July 4, p. 414