BN Volume 1 BN News Paper - June 24 2019 Final Copy | Page 4

Vol. 01, June 24th, 2019 Bahamas News Ma Bey FIND OUT NEXT WEEK HOW JIMMY MOSKO GOT THE NOLLE LAW CREATED! ON OUR DEBUTE SECTION CALLED “UNDER THE RUG”..................... NEWS 04 REAL LIFE CRIMES But STILL GETS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF CONTRACTS, NO CRIMINIAL HERE I GUESS.. WAIT AND SEE. CITY GIRLS YUNG MIAMI TELLS HER FANS THAT BAHAMIAN FOOD HAS NO SEASONING AND FREEPORT IS BORING IS THAT A PREGO SPLITS? BN Agent, V T he American artist starts off by saying “I dont like The Bahamas” and she implied that she was stuck in the Bahamas by the airport twice with flight delays. She followed by saying the food that she had ate in the country was lacking seasoning and she dislike Freeport because it is to boring for her. This statement comes after she performed in Freeport and also performed in Nassau 2 months prior. This is just another clear indication that the promoters that carried her around didnt give her a 5 star treatment, to much grits and tuna, with fire engine and white rice for dinner! Forgive her 242, she just experienced the wrong side of our lovely islands.