BMTA Newsletter BMTA Newsletter - Winter 2019/20 | Página 5 NEWS BREXIT UPDATES UKAS The UK will be leaving the EU on 31 January 2020 after which the UK will be in a transition period until 31 December 2020. UKAS can confirm that during the transition period nothing will change. There will be no impact on the awarding of UKAS accreditation certificates. The UK Government has confirmed that UKAS' role as the national accreditation body will remain as it is now after the UK leaves the EU. UKAS will retain its signatory status to the EA, IAF, and ILAC mutual recognition arrangements. This means that the majority of UKAS’ accredited activities will continue to be unaffected. UKAS accreditation will continue to be recognised and certificates will continue to be valid following the UK’s departure from the European Union, whether or not the UK leaves with a deal in place. More details on UKAS accreditation after the transition period ends will be announced by UKAS nearer the time and regular updates will appear on the UKAS website. In the meantime, UKAS will continue to work with the Government to promote the use and acceptance of UKAS accreditation as part of trade negotiations. BSI BSI’s membership of ISO and IEC is unaffected by Brexit. As far as continued membership of the European Standards Organisations CEN and CENELEC is concerned, BSI continues to be a member of both organisations and a transition period to ensure the membership statutes reflect the UK’s status outside of the EU will begin on the date of Brexit. This transition period for the CEN and CENELEC statutes is currently scheduled to end at the end of December 2020 but is not tied to the transition period negotiated between the EU and UK. Through BSI’s membership of these organisations both at international and European level, over twelve thousand UK industry, consumer, academic and government experts will continue to influence standards used worldwide including those that are used to support regulatory requirements. BMTA The BMTA is currently reviewing our membership class within EUROLAB. This is as a consequence of the changes to the UK's EU status. In the meantime, BMTA will continue to collaborate and contribute fully with EUROLAB activities.