BMTA Newsletter BMTA Newsletter - Spring 2020 | Page 23 HELP US TO HELP YOU Contribute to the BMTA newsletter... To help us research and plan the most relevant and useful information for BMTA members we would like your help to identify and share relevant topics, research on new technologies, techniques, news, events and publications you think may be of interest or promote to your fellow BMTA member community. Send your article to: [email protected] with a short synopsis and an image and brief biography of the author. Equally, should your business produce any information that you would like to share, please submit this to [email protected] Share this newsletter with your team… Please forward this newsletter onto members of your technical team that may find the newsletter content of interest. Invite your team to sign up to the BMTA newsletter... Please encourage members of your team and professional contacts to sign up to this newsletter. It would also mean that you don’t have to remember to forward it on. Simply visit: