With My Family
This Week . . .
Sharing God’s Word
In Chapter 1, “The Bible,” your
child learned:
Read together Acts of the
Apostles 8:26–40 about Philip
the Apostle. Or read the
adaptation of the story on
page 16. Talk about why it is
important to read the Bible
every day.
→ The Bible is the inspired,
written Word of God.
→ The Holy Spirit inspired the
human writers of the Bible
to assure that God’s Word
would be accurately
→ The faithful follower of Jesus
reads the Bible and follows
the teachings of the Church.
The Christian home and
family is a school of discipleship.
Choose one or both of the
following activities to do as
a family, or design a similar activity of your own.
→ Throughout the week choose
a time to read the Bible as a
family. Talk about ways the
Bible passage or story you
read helps your family live as
a Catholic family.
Our Spiritual Journey
In this section, you will learn
some of the major spiritual
disciplines of the Church. These
disciplines help us form the
good habits of living as faithful
followers of Jesus. Daily prayer
is one of those disciplines. In this
chapter, your child prayed and
listened to Scripture. Read and
pray together the prayer on
page 21. This type of prayer is
called lectio divina.
For more about related teachings of
the Church, see the Catechism of the
Catholic Church, 101–133, and the
United States Catholic Catechism for
Adults, pages 11–15.
We Live as Disciples
→ od is the real author of
the Bible.
→ Help your child develop
good habits that help him
or her become a faithful
follower of Jesus. Build on
the things your child is
already doing, for example,
praying each day, helping
out at home with chores,
or treating others kindly.
For more ideas on ways your family can live as
disciples of Jesus, visit