B&M_3_3_2019 ISSN-2530-8157 B&M_3_3_2019 ISSN-2530-8157 | Page 56

B UILDING & M ANAGEMENT V OLUME 3 I SSUE 3 S EPTEMBER - D ECEMBER 2019 W IND SUCTION RESISTANCE OF INNOVATIVE ROOFING KITS BASED ON CERAMIC TILES . A PRELIMINAR TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT E. L AHOZ R UIZ (2019). B UILDING & M ANAGEMENT , 3(3): 47-55 [11] ASTM C1568 - 08(2013) Standard Test Method for Wind Resistance of Concrete and Clay Roof Tiles (Mechanical Uplift Resistance Method). [12] ASTM C1569 - 03(2016) Standard Test Method for Wind Resistance of Concrete and Clay Roof Tiles (Wind Tunnel Method) [13] ASTM C1570 - 03(2016) Standard Test Method for Wind Resistance of Concrete and Clay Roof Tiles (Air Permeability Method) [14] E. Santiago y E. Gracia (Hispalyt).”Ventajas de la cubierta en seco con teja cerámica”. Revista conarquitectura nº 59. Julio 2016. [15] UNE EN 14437:2012. Determinación de la resistencia al levantamiento de las tejas de arcilla cocida o de hormigón instaladas. Método de ensayo del sistema de tejado. [16] F. Marín Andrés y Mª I. Sánchez Rojas. “Método de ensayo normalizado del comportamiento de los tejados a la acción combinada de la lluvia y del viento”. Materiales de construcción. Vol. 58,291,11-117. Jul-Sept. 2008. [17] CEN TR 15607:2012. Hygrothermal performance of buildings – Resistance to wind-driven rain of roof coverings with discontinuosly laid small elements – Test methods. WHAT DO YOU THINK? To discuss this paper, please submit up to 500 words to the editor at [email protected]. Your contribution will be forwarded to the author(s) for a reply and, if considered appropriate by the editorial panel, will be published as a discussion in a future issue of the journal. 55