B&M_3_2_2019 ISSN-2530-8157 Building & Management Volumen 3 Issue 2 | Page 33

B UILDING & M ANAGEMENT V OLUME 3 I SSUE 2 M AY - A UGUST 2019 T HE CIT Y F I ED M ETHODOLOGY FOR CITY RENOVATION AT DISTRICT LEVEL E. V ALLEJO , C. C RIADO , E. A RRIZABALAGA , G. M ASSA AND A. V ASALLO (2019). B UILDING & M ANAGEMENT , 3(2): 23-33 the replication potentials of energy efficient actions in other districts. 3.3 D EFINING A SYSTEMATIC PROCESS The Replication Model consists in a dual approach: a quantitative energy model approach where the current energy demand and supply, including energy sources and smart grid solutions, are analysed and a qualitative approach in which methods for investigating non-technological barriers and possibilities as well as possible business models for retrofitting are considered. The Methodology is deployed in seven phases as can be seen in Fig. 3. Each phase ensures an effective dialogue among all the stakeholders previously defined in order to ease the decision-making processes. It combines both district and city scales, starting with the city and district analysis, proposing initiatives at district level and pursuing the impact of the renovation and the accomplishment with the initial objectives at both scales. Since energy efficiency at district level is the main pillar of CITyFiED project, the Replication Model is deployed at district scale and can be associated at several phases of the CITyFiED methodology (Phase II, III and IV). This time-saving tool finds its application as: 3.3.1 P HASE I: U NDERSTANDING THE CITY This phase addresses the initial diagnosis of the city with the aim of understanding better its initial situation and the current problems. This analysis, combined with the definition of the long-term city vision provides some clues that can facilitate the identification of the needed transition pathway for the city as well as the definition of its general objectives.  Tool for diagnosis district, supporting the identification of the needs and objectives of suitable districts;  Tool for exploring energy efficient alternatives and scenarios, evaluating which are the most suitable actions of CITyFiED basket technologies measures according to the city’s needs; This phase is guided by the Municipality in cooperation with the ECG. Both of them need to interact with other city stakeholders that can contribute during the different steps of this phase especially for the city context information facilitation and for the definition of its general objectives.  Tool for prioritization and impact assessment, allowing the selection of the most efficient scenarios that achieves the specific objectives of the selected district. Figure 3: Methodological approach for urban renovation and planning. 29