B&M_3_2_2019 ISSN-2530-8157 Building & Management Volumen 3 Issue 2 | Page 11

B UILDING & M ANAGEMENT V OLUME 3 I SSUE 2 M AY - A UGUST 2019 D ECLARATION OF PERFORMANCE (DOP) AND CE MARKING OF CEMENT MORTARS MADE WITH RECYCLED STEEL WASTE I. S ANTAMARÍA -V ICARIO , S. G UTIÉRREZ -G ONZÁLEZ , V. C ALDERÓN -C ARPINTERO AND A. R ODRÍGUEZ -S AIZ (2019). B UILDING & M ANAGEMENT , 3(2): 06-15 characteristics” ; thereby assuming responsibility for the cement mortar that is respectful of the natural environmental and manufactured from steelmaking slags; by-products that are generated in the steel industry and recycled as siderurgical aggregates. conformity of the product in relation to its declared performance. The products commercialized in the European Union with harmonized standards should carry the “ CE Marking ”; which rather than a quality guarantee is an identification of a technical nature that indicates that the product complies with the standard that affects it; a necessary legal requirement for its commercialization. Steelmaking slags are classified as industrial waste that can be transformed into products through their recycling; in accordance with Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union of 19 November 2008 [4]. This action plan constitutes an opportunity to improve environmental conditions in Spain; in accordance with the “ Programa Estatal de Prevención de Residuos 2014-2020” (State Program for Waste Prevention) [5] and the “ Plan Estatal Marco de Gestión de Residuos” (PREMAR) (State Waste Management Framework Plan) 2016-2022 [6]. The “CE Marking ” displays all the information referring to a construction product with a specific declaration of its performance and essential characteristics; following the application of either the relevant harmonized standards or the approved European technical tests to which it has been subjected. The product manufacturer must do the “ Declaration of Performance ” or; if applicable; the importer; distributor; or the representative. 2. M ETHODOLOGICAL PROCESS This new approach determines that the manufacturers of construction products should establish measures for verification by means of material tests; controlling the manufacturing process or conducting follow-up of their behaviour in terms of performance; in accordance with the requirements and demands of the System of Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP) for the CE Mark. Mortars designed by the Building Engineering Research Group of the University of Burgos have been used for the elaboration of the CE Marking Technical File of mortars manufactured with steelmaking slags as aggregates. These mortars have been characterized both in fresh and hardened state; and have undergone durability tests [7-9]. Subsequently; in order to determine “Declaration of Performance” of mortars; the rest of the tests included in the Standard EN 998-1 [10] (rendering and plastering mortars) and the Standard EN 998-2 [11] (masonry mortars); have been carried out. The new Regulation determines that manufacturers of construction products should prepare a technical data sheet; in accordance with the required AVCP system; to verify the product characteristics and to issue the “ Declaration of Performance ”; a procedure that was not contemplated in Directive 89/106/EEC [2]. The CE marking can only be affixed to the product; if the corresponding technical data sheet has been completed for the “ Declaration of Performance ”; supported by the technical documentation (tests; trials; verifications). According to the Systems of Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP) for the CE Marking of mortars designed with steelmaking slags as aggregates; System 4 for Rendering and Plastering Mortars and Systems 2+ and 4 for Masonry Mortars were used respectively. Finally; the CE Marking Technical File of mortars will be completed by the elaboration of the CE Mark; for its inclusion in documents; specifications sheet; packaging and other items necessary for its commercialization. In Spain; the application of the European Rules on Construction Products or Energetic Efficiency was transposed into the “ Código Técnico de la Edificación CTE” (Technical Building Code) [3]. This document; also based on performance; defines the participation of the different agents in the building process through the sharing of experience acquired in the course of their profession. 3. P REPARATION OF THE TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Two avenues can be followed for the preparation of the technical data sheet: In the case of construction masonry mortars; the manufacturers should verify that their products comply with the so-called “ essential characteristics ” according to the applicable harmonized standards; in accordance with a pre-established test plan. In addition; controls over the factory production process must be in place and; after some time; verification of their behaviour at the work site where they have been used. The aim of this work is to develop a Process of CE Marking and Certification ; at a laboratory scale; of an innovative 7  CE marking of the product following the ECS (European Committee for Standardization) using the harmonized standards applicable to the product; in this study; Standard EN 998-1 [10] (CE Marking for rendering and plastering mortars ) and Standard EN 998-2 [11] (CE Marking for masonry mortars ).  European Technical Assessment (ETA); through the EOTA