- The Festive Edition The Festive Edition | Page 7

Jabi Boat Club: Abuja's Tourism Centre A t the mention of Abuja, different things spring to the minds of different people - serenity, government centre, blandness and of course, power. This was until Jabi Boat Club, the venue BlueInk shot this edition, opened about a year ago. JBC, as we at the BUJ love to call it, is the multi-faceted entertainment and hangout hub that tells the Abuja story in the most dynamic way. Without mincing words, we can authoritatively say - you haven’t visited Abuja if you never spent time at Jabi Boat Club. We see that smirk you probably have on your face as you are wondering what makes JBC so special. It is so hard to articulate in words but we can give you hints. Imagine fun, beauty, serenity, culture, affordability and nature coated with pure class! A-ha, congrats because you just caught a glimpse of Jabi Boat Club. But that’s not all, you need to visit JBC to get the full experience especially during this holiday season. We know you already love the Jabi Boat Club but you might need some props to convince your family and friends that this is the perfect holiday hangout location. Relax, these breathtaking pictures we took at the JBC are more than enough and don’t forget our stunning cover! 7 |