- The Festive Edition The Festive Edition | Page 33
CEO 30
In this edition, we spoke with making it cost effective and
Ibrahim Bilau, CEO of 360 De- affordable for all.
grees Automated Media.
Our vision is to become the
most recommendable com-
What is your company’s pany in the African virtual
reality market, and to revolu-
tionize this company to have
Ibrahim Bilau: 360 Degrees the strength of a big company
Automated Media is an organ- combined with the leanness
ization that helps businesses and agility of a small com-
grow through innovative 3D pany.
and 360 Virtual immersive
and interactive tours.
What inspired you to
What are your mission
and vision as a com-
start this company?
Ibrahim Bilau: My inspiration
draws from the need to make
an impact in this world before
Ibrahim Bilau: Our mission my death, and also to touch
is to help deliver innovative as many lives as possible in a
and cost-effective business positive way.
to consumer communications
that builds a strong consum- What social issues does
er relationship and increase your brand solve?
sales growth for our clients
and to redefine virtual real- Ibrahim Bilau: Our brand be-
ity experience in Nigeria by ing a SME, is gradually and
aims to continue helping to
create a platform for crea-
tive youths to showcase their
platform. We are building a
brand for creative photogra-
phers, videographers, content
creators amongst others to
What major challenge
does your company
Ibrahim Bilau: The journey,
being same for many start-
ups, has been pretty rough.
The company has been 100%
bootstrapped, so there have
been some challenges on the
financial part due to the high
cost of the equipments and
cost of running the company.
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