- The Festive Edition The Festive Edition | Page 26
There is Afro-everything and his persistent has paid off. He
I really like how well Nigerian says it is “heartwarming and
pop culture has grown.”
shows everyone that if you
work hard and believe in your
As the music conversation craft, success will come.”
progressed, it was easy to
sense his passion for knowing Does this quote work for
music - not just as a career media personalities in Abuja,
necessity but as a personal who usually seem to be in
hobby. Yet, there is one the shadow of their Lagos
Nigerian artist EDK has rooted counterparts? EDK insists
for since day one. We know that it does as “a presenter
he loves Burna Boy but it’s is (most times), only as big
Johnny Drille that evidently as his/her market.” I realise
holds the number one spot the truth in his words seeing
in his heart. You can’t listen the population gap between
to EDK and not love Johnny Lagos and Abuja. Let’s not
Drille and if you were at the also forget the demography
recent Johnny’s Live Room in and needs of each state.
Abuja, which EDK hosted, the Still, he explained that the
reason will be clear.
internet has made things
easier as media personalities
As it is safe to call him a can maintain good social
Johnny Drille expert, I wanted media profiles and bridge the
to know the magnet that market gap through these
attracted him (and all of us) to platforms.
Drille’s music. He giggled and
said for his music, which is In fact, EDK goes beyond his
termed alternative, to pull the regular audience through
kind of crowds as it now does, his podcasts. His first is The
“it means it is not alternative Stretch Cast co-run with his
anything, it’s brilliant music.” friend and industry colleague,
He went on to say that Chika Agu. The other is the
excellence (in music) is Soundcity After show podcast.
standard regardless of the In both, Osato EDK is witty and
form in which it comes. EDK just (even more) as interactive
maintained that there is a with his boundless online
huge demography of people audience.
who love Johnny Drille’s kind
of music and it is inspiring how It took a quick prompt from
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the crew for me to realise
we had spent a long time
conversing. It was refreshing
to have an intellectual, light
hearted conversation with
a person who has so much
pretend to know more than
he does. We concluded and I
left, glad that the Abuja media
space has gained a gem.
(The video version of this
interview is available on all our
online platforms