- The Festive Edition The Festive Edition | Page 22
and the Nigerian
borne out of the need to
revolutionise the boardgame
industry in Africa. With arms
in game publishing, designing
and promotion, the fast-
growing startup is changing
the table top gaming culture
one game at a time. Speaking
with Blueink, founder and
creative director, Kenechukwu
Ogbuagu said it aims to
“provide people with games
they can relate to. Games that
tell their own stories and that
they would able to understand
the concepts behind.”
To further push this goal,
NIBCARD Games recently
launched a state of the art
website, the first of its kind
in Nigeria where home-
made board games can be
purchased from anywhere in
the world. Apart from being
a market, the platform is also
a hub for lovers of tabletop
games to connect and
interact with each other and
have access to noteworthy
resource materials relating to
the market.
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The most intriguing thing
BlueInk discovered about the
start-up is the ease with which
anybody can become a games
designer with NIBCARD’s
help. This is the cool part!
Game ethusaists who have
great ideas can bring those
dreams to reality through a
simple three-step process.
According to Kenechukwu, for
designing, “we take your ideas
from inception to the drawing
board and add colour to tell
the stories you intend.”
From here, it moves to
manufacturing where young,
called to produce the games
according to international
company goes further to
promote your games on all
their platforms, game nights
and at the African Boardgame
Convention (AbCon), their
signature end-of-year event.
Nigerian homes to African-
made modern board games.
The confident Kenechukwu
and his team are certain they
can make this happen as after
all, boardgaming is an African
past time.
The need to return the
African society to the power
of gaming is a major passion
fuel for the team. It is clear
that NIBCARD is more than
a business for the team
members, it is a social tool. As
Kenechukwu puts it, “board
games are powerful tools to
improve society, tell stories,
speak against social ills and
injustice. It is also used to
promote education.”
He reminds us, as the interview
comes to an end, that the
awareness of boardgame’s
social power is what sets
NIBCARD Games apart. They
simply want to return values
to homes and strengthen
Despite hitting these giant bonds with the board games
milestones, NIBCARD has a on your tables.
huge goal for the coming
year - introduce one million