Blue Umbrella Official Thanksgiving_Christmas Issue-1 | Page 8

Du r in g t h e h olidays, m y f am ily an d I adh er e t o m ost con ven t ion s. How ever , on e special t r adit ion t h at ou r f am ily h as m ain t ain ed over t h e year s is t ellin g an ecdot es f r om pr eviou s h olidays... Wh o St ole t h e Ham ? My father ?s grandfather and great-uncles would close their businesses during Thanksgiving weekend and meet at my great-grandfather ?s house for the whole weekend. One of them would be responsible for bringing a ham for the day after Thanksgiving. My great- grandfather and his brothers were very fun-loving and always crafted a prank. However, my great-grandmother and the other women did not appreciate their antics. Being aware of the story, my father told them that he could not find the ham. Growing impatient, my grandmother called everyone together and demanded the ham. No one knew where the ham was and my grandmother had to cook the rib roast that was meant for Saturday. After dinner, all of the scraps were gathered and given to my father ?s dog Empress. Empress was an 85lb. finicky German Shepherd. Out of character, she was not enthusiastic to eat the meat. Knowing a turkey was going to be for Thanksgiving, the ham was saved for the next day. Sometime during Thanksgiving Day, my great-grandfather or one of his brothers hid the ham. The following day when the women were to cook the ham, they could not find it. This tradition continued until my great-grandparents passed away. T